Splinted or nonsplinted short dental implants in posterior mandible: a systematic review and meta-analysis





Implante curto; Coroa esplintada; Dente unitário; Parcialmente desdentado; Taxa de sobrevivência.


Objective: To evaluate the survival rate (SR), the success rate (SSR), the bone level after loading and also to assess the prosthesis complications of splinted short implants (SSI) compared to non-splinted/unsplinted short implants (NSI) in posterior mandible. Materials and methods: An electronic search of PubMed and Embase databases was conducted. The primary outcome analyzed was SR. Secondary outcomes evaluated were SSR, bone level around implants (BLI), implant failure (IF) and prosthetic failure (PF). Results: A total of 562 articles from PubMed and 367 from Embase were screened by titles/abstracts, 102 articles were selected for full text analysis. Only 10 articles were suitable to be selected, but only 4 met the inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis showed a mean SR of 99% for splinted and 97% for non-splinted group, which were statistically significant for SSI group (p<0.038). NSI presented better BLI, however, the statistical analysis showed no significant difference between SSI and NSI (p= 0.170). Conclusion: According to the present study, despite both splinted and unsplinted prosthesis had presented high SR, the splinted prosthesis showed better outcomes for SR and for prosthesis complications. There is no correct or incorrect guideline when it comes to implants rehabilitation, each case has to be studied in an overall view, having patient-centered outcomes. More studies should be conducted in order to fill this lack in the literature about the need of splinting or not short implants.


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Como Citar

MICHEL, R. C. .; FERREIRA, R.; VALLE, L. A. .; MANFREDI , G. G. do P. .; STUANI, V. de T.; PAVANI, A. P. de S. .; SILVA, I. L. G. B. da .; MOREIRA, M. V. C. .; DAMANTE, C. A. .; SANT’ANA , A. C. P. .; ZANGRANDO , M. S. R. . Splinted or nonsplinted short dental implants in posterior mandible: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 14, p. e189111436282, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i14.36282. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/36282. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



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