Psychomotricity and adversities in the teaching of early childhood education




Psychomotricity; Child Education; Human Development; Mental Activity.


Psychomotricity is one of the foundations in child development, a science that unites the body in movement and mental activity, admits a translation that relates body movement and its intentionality, studies human development in all phases. In this sense, this article aims to understand psychomotricity and adversities in early childhood education, to recognize the relationship between body and mind, and the importance of psychomotor development since childhood. In order to promote and achieve a deeper study on psychomotricity in early childhood education, this research took place in a bibliographic way through studies by authors dealing with the theme. The authors who guided this research were Duprê (1862-1921), Wallon (1879-1962) and Le Boulch (1981), who report the contexts and challenges of psychomotricity for a better development in human life. The results of the present study brought deeper reflections regarding the knowledge of the psychomotricity investigation process and the adversities in early childhood education.

Author Biographies

Weber da Silva Mota, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Graduated in LICENSING IN MATHEMATICS from the Federal University of Pará (1999). He is currently a professor at the State University of Pará, Master in Education - Teacher Training - PPGED / UEPA - 2017, Master in Mathematics by FICL-ABCAD - 2010 and Specialist in Mathematical Education by the State University of Pará - UEPA (2000). He has experience in Mathematics, with an emphasis on Number Theory, working mainly on the following topics: teaching and education.

Josilene Pereira Valente, Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Pará

Graduated in Mathematics from the State University of Pará (2006). She is currently a mathematics teacher at Emiliano Picanço da Costa school, Vila Araí, Augusto Corrêa (Pará). She has experience in Mathematics and Physics.

Edith Gonçalves Costa, Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Pará

Master in Teaching in Science and Mathematics Education by the Institute of Mathematical and Scientific Education (IEMCI / UFPA). Degree in Education from the State University of Pará (UEPA). Specialist in Educational Psychology with an Emphasis in Preventive Psychopedagogy (UEPA) and in Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusion (Faculdade Ipiranga). Teacher of Early Childhood Education at the Municipal Education Department of Belém and Teacher of Special Education at the Education Department of the State of Pará, working in the Specialized Educational Service at the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional - APAE / Belém.

Pedro Roberto Sousa da Silva, Escola de Aplicação da Universidade Federal do Pará

He holds a master's degree in education from UEPA in the line of teacher training, specialization in mathematics education from UFPA and a full degree in mathematics from Universidade Federal do Pará (2004). He is currently a professor at the School of Application at the Federal University of Pará (EA-UFPA), and has experience in the area of Mathematics and Mathematical Education.

Herson Oliveira da Rocha, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia

Herson Rocha has a degree in Mathematics from the State University of Pará (UEPA, 2005), a master's degree in Geophysics from the Institute of Geosciences at the Federal University of Pará (IG / UFPA, 2012), and a doctorate in Reservoir and Exploration Engineering from the Laboratory of Engineering and Petroleum Exploration of the State University of the North Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (LENEP / CCT / UENF, 2020). He is also a member of the Brazilian Geophysical Society (SBGf) and the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE). He currently holds the position of adjunct professor at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA).

Helen do Socorro Rodrigues Dias, Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Pará

PhD student in Education at the State University of Pará (PPGED / UEPA). She holds a Master's Degree in Teaching in Science and Mathematics Education from the Institute of Mathematical and Scientific Education-IEMCI / UFPA (2019). Class II teacher at the Pará State Department of Education, based at the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional - APAE / Belém. Specialist in Special Education from the perspective of inclusion by Faculdade Integrada Ipiranga (2014). Specialist in Educational Informatics at Faculdade Integrada Ipiranga (2012). Graduated in Full Degree in Biology from the State University Vale do Acaraú (2011)

Gustavo Nogueira Dias, Colégio Federal Ten. Rêgo Barros

PhD in Education from the National University of Rosario, Argentina (2017); Master in Geophysics from the Federal University of Pará, Belém (2011); specialist in school management at Centro Universitário do Pará (2008); Degree in Mathematics from the Federal University of Pará (2001). He is currently a professor of federal basic education at Colégio Ten. Rêgo Barros, also acting as a researcher in the areas: Mathematics, Environmental Education, Administration, Accounting and Statistics.

José Vicente Ferreira Junior, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará

Graduated in Mathematics from the State University of Pará (2006) and Professional Master in Mathematics in the National Network Program - PROFMAT from the Federal University of Pará (2019). He is currently a professor of mathematics at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará. He has experience in teaching mathematics from elementary to higher education.

Fabricio da Silva Lobato, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Graduated in Mathematics from the State University of Pará (2014). He is currently a professor of mathematics in pre-university entrance exams. Master's student at the Graduate Program in Mathematics Teaching at the State University of Pará (2019) .Specialization in progress by Estácio in ENEM: COMPETENCES AND SKILLS IN MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCES OF NATURE. Specialization in progress by Estácio in Mathematics Teaching Methodology. Researching and publishing at a high level in the areas of Didactics of Mathematics, Distance Education (EAD) and in Skills and Abilities in Mathematics.

Vanessa Mayara Souza Pamplona , Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia

He joined the Bachelor's Degree in Statistics in 2004, completing the course in 2008, at the Federal University of Pará - UFPA. In the same year she was approved in a Public Competition by UFPA, to exercise the Post of Statistician, Class E, with capacity at the Campus Universitário Belém and nominated in the same year. In 2010 she joined the Postgraduate Course in Mathematics and Statistics at UFPA, at the Master's Level, in 2011 she obtained a master's degree. In 2012 she entered the Postgraduate Course in Agronomy (Agricultural Entomology), at the Doctoral Level at the Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences of the Universidade Estadual Paulista-Campus de Jaboticabal-SP, in 2016 she obtained the title of doctor. In 2013, she was approved in a Public Competition for Evidence and Titles, to fill the position of Professor of the Career of the Higher Teaching in Exclusive Dedication (DE) at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA) -Campus de Paragominas-PA . She is currently an effective professor of Higher Education and teaches undergraduate courses in Agronomy, Forestry and Zootechnics, in the disciplines of Statistics, Biostatistics, Experimental Statistics and Biometrics.

Brena Santa Brígida Barbosa, Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Pará

Master in Teaching in Science and Mathematics Education (PPGDOC / UFPA); Specialist in Educational Psychology, with an emphasis on Preventive Psychopedagogy (UEPA); Specialized Educational Service (UNISABER) and specific training in Technology and Human Resource Management (UNIDERP); Graduated in Full Degree in Pedagogy (UEPA). Effective public servant, performing the role of teacher of Specialized Educational Service at the Pestalozzi Foundation of the State of Pará (SEDUC) and in the Multifunctional Resource Room (SEMEC); Currently a member and researcher: Group of Studies and Research in Science, Technology, Society and Environment (GECTSA / IEMCI / UFPA); Research Group on Education in Science, Mathematics and Inclusion (Ruaké / IEMCI / UFPA) and International Cooperation Group between Research Professors Brazil-Colombia (UFPA / UNIVALLE). She has experience in: every year of Elementary School I; continuing teacher education in Basic Education; administrative technical area; free and professional courses; people management; educational and business consultancy; academic and organizational lectures. She has theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the elaboration and development of projects

Washington Luiz Pedrosa da Silva Junior, Colégio Federal Ten. Rêgo Barros

Licensed professor in Mathematics at the State University of Pará - UEPA. Specialist in Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics, Educational Management and Teaching of Basic and Higher Education, Financial Mathematics, Statistics and Education in the Field and Brazilian Anthropology (ongoing). Professor at the Federal College Tenente Rêgo Barros- CTRB.

Fernando Ramos de Farias, Colégio Federal Ten. Rêgo Barros

Graduated from the Federal University of Pará (2008), Master in Mathematics from the Federal University of Pará (2012). He is currently a professor at the Tenente Rego Barros School. He has experience in mathematics, with an emphasis on mathematics.

Adenilson Pereira Bonfim, Colégio Federal Ten. Rêgo Barros

Graduated in Mathematics at Escola Superior Madre Celeste (2007). Master's degree in mathematics from the Federal University of Pará (2012). He is currently a professor of mathematics at the Tenente Rêgo Barros School. He has experience in the area of Mathematics, with an emphasis on Mathematics, acting mainly on the following themes: mathematical Olympics, visually impaired and soroban.


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How to Cite

MOTA, W. da S. .; VALENTE, J. P. .; COSTA, E. G. .; SILVA, P. R. S. da .; ROCHA, H. O. da .; DIAS, H. do S. R. .; DIAS, G. N. .; FERREIRA JUNIOR, J. V. .; LOBATO, F. da S. .; PAMPLONA , V. M. S. .; BARBOSA, B. S. B. .; SILVA JUNIOR, W. L. P. da .; FARIAS, F. R. de .; BONFIM, A. P. . Psychomotricity and adversities in the teaching of early childhood education. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 12, p. e32491211303, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i12.11303. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 dec. 2024.



Education Sciences