Children Protagonism in practice: The teaching developed with Basic Education students




Children protagonism; Emerging approach planning; Teaching; Basic education.


This article is aimed to investigate how a teacher develops a work methodology that takes into consideration students’ interests and participation by stimulating Children Protagonism. This study approaches class planning and organization, and how this teacher teaches and develops investigations with the children by taking into account what emerges from their daily life. The methodology used was a case study with a qualitative approach. The subject of the research was a teacher of the third grade of the primary school, and the research field, his classroom in a public school in a municipality of the Taquari Valley/RS/Brazil. Data was generated through semi-structured interviews, participating observation, field journals, and photographs, and it was analyzed through content analysis. The outcomes show that the theoretical framework on which this teacher bases the development of his work according to his teaching goals are relevant to produce a methodological edge that results in increasing students protagonism.

Author Biographies

Mariângela Costa Schneider, Protagonize Assessoria Pedagógica e Empresarial

Doutora em Ensino pela Universidade do Vale do Taquari, Univates

Mestre em Ensino pela Univates

Especialista em Orientação Educacional pela Faculdade Dom Alberto

Pedagoga pela Univates

Silvana Neumann Martins, University of Vale do Taquari

Graduated in Literature - Full Degree - Qualification in Portuguese and Literature by the Faculty of Education Sciences and Letters of Alto Taquari (1987), Specialization and Teaching of Literature (2001) and Specialization in University Management (2007), Master in Education by the Pontifical University Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (2005) and PhD in Education, also by PUC-RS (2010). She is currently a permanent professor at the University of Vale do Taquari - UNIVATES and, in addition, professor of the Professional Master in Teaching Exact Sciences, the Master in Teaching and the Doctorate in Teaching, from the same HEI. He has teaching experience, with an emphasis on Active Teaching and Learning Methodologies, Entrepreneurship, Higher Education Methodology, Textual Production and Reading, acting mainly on the following themes: teacher training, entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurship, active methodologies, reading and textual production and teaching management.

Jacqueline Silva da Silva, University of Vale do Taquari

Graduated in Pedagogy from UNISC (1993), Master in Education from PUCRS (1997) and PhD in Education from UFRGS (2011). She is currently Full Professor at the University of Vale do Taquari - Univates / Lajeado / RS where she works in Pedagogy courses, in the Master and Doctorate in Teaching, in the Master and Professional Doctorate in Teaching of Exact Sciences and professor at Minter in Education that occurs in partnership with UNIAGES of Paripiranga / BA. They have experience in the area of ​​Teaching and Education, with an emphasis on Early Childhood Education, acting mainly on the following themes: Education, Teaching and Learning Processes, Planning, Childhood and Playfulness.


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How to Cite

SCHNEIDER, M. C. .; MARTINS, S. N. .; SILVA, J. S. da . Children Protagonism in practice: The teaching developed with Basic Education students. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. e14910111574, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i1.11574. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 mar. 2025.



Education Sciences