Z test and decision making: Ideographic psychological assessment for firearm handling





Psychological assessment; Z test; Fitness indicators; Firearm possession.


The current Brazilian legislation on weapons establishes norms that restrict the carrying of a weapon in Brazil and makes psychological evaluation mandatory for the acquisition and carrying of a firearm. In Brazil today, although there is a psychological profile pre-defined by the Federal Police that guides the psychologist in his decision making in the psychological evaluation for granting firearm registration, this aspect lacks further theoretical foundation. The objective of this study was to draw indicators of the Z test to assist in the decision making process in psychological evaluations for handling a firearm. The sample was composed of 60 male subjects between 19 and 51 years of age divided into two groups: G1, with 30 candidates to obtain a gun registration and/or license from the Federal Police, and G2, with 30 subjects who were not candidates to obtain a license from the Federal Police. The Z test was applied and the sociodemographic data from the individual administration sheet of the test were used. After the classification of the answers and analysis of each protocol, the indicators that allow a better definition of the psychological constructs to be evaluated for firearm handling were identified. The results achieved showed significant correlations of reliability of the instrument. We conclude that the Z test is an instrument capable of offering important indicators of aptitude to the psychologist responsible for granting a firearm permit and should be included in the psychological evaluation battery for firearm handling.


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How to Cite

HASBUN, A. S. P. de S. .; FORMIGA, N. S. .; ESTEVAM, I. D. . Z test and decision making: Ideographic psychological assessment for firearm handling. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. e5910413815, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i4.13815. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/13815. Acesso em: 7 jan. 2025.



Human and Social Sciences