The role of the nurse in the ambulatory for the prevention and treatment of hand-foot syndrome induced by the use of Capecitabine




Hand-footsyndrome; Capecitabine; Nursing care; Nursing.


Introduction: Palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia, also known as hand-foot syndrome (PMS), is an adverse reaction caused by the oral antineoplastic therapy Capecitabine that causes the greatest impact on the quality of life of patients with this chemotherapy treatment. The professional nurse has the nursing consultation as an instrument of care, which enables a systematic and permanent educational intervention fundamental to the composition of individualized and comprehensive care. General Objective: Analyze the actions developed by nurses in the outpatient prevention and treatment of Hand-Foot Syndrome induced by the use of Capecitabine. Methodology: Descriptive study, with a qualitative approach and participant observation, carried out in a reference institute in oncology, located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, from October to November 2020. A field diary was prepared based on data referring to the actions taken by the professional during the nursing consultation, the flow of patients seen in this clinic, the nurse's notes in the patient record book, and the researcher's impressions. Results: After careful analysis of the data, two categories of analysis emerged: administrative actions and technical and educational actions. Conclusion: It was found that the flow followed provides an opportunity for the follow-up of patients using Capecitabine oral antineoplastic in almost its entirety. Nursing consultations are carried out with the preventive intention of establishing the syndrome in an important process of interaction / integration with the patient, using health education as a care strategy for the prevention and management of the syndrome, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge about the nurses' work process in a specialized and contemporary outpatient clinic.


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How to Cite

ARRUDA, F. M. de .; SANTOS, L. M. dos .; LOPES, M. Q. .; BITENCOURT, L. M. P. .; RODRIGUES, S. da S. .; RAMOS, R. de S. . The role of the nurse in the ambulatory for the prevention and treatment of hand-foot syndrome induced by the use of Capecitabine. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. e49910414383, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i4.14383. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.



Health Sciences