The process of leading under the influence of technology: Main potentialities and fragilities




Leadership; Technology; Potentialities; Weaknesses.


Introduction: Technology has impacted the lives of people and work organizations, directly or indirectly, influencing their relationships and productivity, in a positive and negative way, requiring leaders compatible with this evolution. Objective: To identify the influence of technology in the leadership process, as well as its strengths and weaknesses in the work context. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review, exploratory, descriptive, with a qualitative approach, which used articles, dissertations and e-books published between 2016 and 2020. The materials were extracted from SciELO, Google Scholar, Virtual Library of Fundação Getúlio Vargas and institutional repositories. Theoretical Discussion: From the selection, organization and analysis of scientific works it was possible to discuss the relationship between technology, society and the world of work; the main characteristics of the 21st century leader and the influence of technology; the main strengths and weaknesses of technology in the process of leading. Final Considerations: Technology can be considered as an influential means to enhance and / or weaken the performance of the leader and in the work process of organizations. The importance of its use in an ethical and humanized way is emphasized.

Author Biography

Rogério Carvalho de Figueredo, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Enfermeiro. Doutorando em Enfermagem. Mestre em Ciências da Saúde. Especialista em Micropolítica da Gestão e do Trabalho em Saúde. Especialista em Saúde Pública com ênfase em Saúde Coletiva e da Família.


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How to Cite

FIGUEREDO, R. C. de .; AMORIM, R. C. C. da S. .; SILVA, L. S.; SILVA, K. C. C. da .; CELESTINO, K. A. de A. .; ALVES, A. P. . The process of leading under the influence of technology: Main potentialities and fragilities. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 5, p. e4410514672, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i5.14672. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences