Production and development of didactic games in the teaching of Chemistry: Alternative paths adopted in relation to Inclusive Education




Alternative methodologies; Inclusive education; Teaching; Inclusive practices.


The appropriation of scientific concepts in Chemistry Teaching is quite expressive, thus, the teacher as a mediator of this process, should propose and develop alternative methodologies, which aim to enhance student learning in the classroom. However, it is necessary to understand which methodological proposals are developed, and which alternative paths are adopted in relation to inclusive education. Thus, this study brings a qualitative bibliographical research, seeking to survey the papers submitted in the annals of the National Meeting of Chemistry (ENEQ), intended for the Exhibition of Teaching Materials for Chemistry (MOMADIQ), involving inclusive teaching practices. The results produced discuss the constitution of collective processes, which reflect the importance of the production and development of didactic games, in the formation of the subject, both in the conceptual basis of scientific knowledge, and in the construction of subjectivity.

Author Biographies

Rodrigo da Vitória Gomes, Universidade Federal do Paraná

PhD student in Science and Mathematics Education at the Federal University of Paraná / UFPR. He develops research in Science Education acting mainly on the following themes: History of Chemistry, Epistemology of Science, Relationships between Science and Technique in History and Interfaces between History of Science and Teaching. Member of the Research Group History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in Science Education (UFPR). Winner of the Scientific Education Shell Award 2020. Degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Espírito Santo / UFES (2017) with a sandwich period by the Erasmus Mundos program at the University of Patras / UPATRAS in Greece (2014-2015). Degree in Pedagogy from Centro Universitário UniFaveni / FAVENI (2020). Specialist in Assertive Practices in Didactics and Management of Professional Education Integrated with EJA by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte / IFRN (2020). Master in Teaching in Basic Education sub-area Teaching of Chemistry by the Federal University of Espírito Santo, Campus São Mateus / Ceunes / UFES (2020), with research in History of Science in the Teaching of Chemistry and Teacher Training. He currently develops teaching work by the State Secretariat of Education of Espírito Santo / SEDU working in the Education of Youths and Adults in Spaces of Deprivation of Liberty (Regional Penitentiary of Linhares / PRL and Center for Resocialization of Linhares / CDRL) and in Regular Education with minor Offenders (Provisional Internment Unit - UNIP / NORTE and Socio-educational Internment Unit - UNIS / NORTE). During graduation, he participated in Scientific Initiation and Initiation in Technological Development and Innovation in Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry with an emphasis on Polymers working in the development of research with the following themes: Obtaining polyesters, composites from renewable sources, biodegradation, characterization of materials and extraction of natural products.

Mayki Jardim Sivico, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Graduated in degree in chemistry, from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), at the North University Center of Espírito Santo - CEUNES (Campus São Mateus). During his graduation he participated in the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID), developing activities and methodological proposals focused on Teaching Chemistry in Basic Education. Still in graduation, he participated in the Institutional Program for Junior Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBICjr), in the area of ​​Organic Chemistry, entitled: "Analysis of the oxidative stability of biodiesel produced from blends of blends of frying oil with bovine tallow", a partnership between UFES and the Espírito Santo Research and Innovation Foundation (FAPES). He has contact with the following topics focused on the Teaching of Chemistry: Experimentation, CTS / CTSA, interdisciplinarity, Production of pedagogical artifacts in the Teaching of Chemistry. He is currently a professor of Chemistry at the State Public School of Espírito Santo, and master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education (PPGEEB), UFES- campus São Mateus / ES, in which he researches and discusses interdisciplinary practices in the Teaching of Basic Education. Chemistry, through the use of generating themes.

Lorena Alves Ventura, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Master's student in basic education at Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo - UFES, holds a degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. She did postgraduate studies in Special and Inclusive Education. Currently teaching at the State Network of Espírito Santo. During graduation she participated for two consecutive years in the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID) and in the Jr. Scientific Initiation Program on the Study of the qualification of alcohol content in beverages by high school students acting as a tutor.

Ana Nery Furlan Mendes, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Graduated in Industrial Chemistry and Bachelor of Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He completed his doctorate in Chemistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, with a sandwich period at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, on homogeneous and biphasic hydroformylation of olefins and unsaturated fatty esters. He currently develops teaching and research work at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (São Mateus campus). Member of the permanent faculty of the Graduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education at UFES (PPGEEB). The main areas of activity are: Use of bio-absorbent materials for the treatment of frying oil, biodiesel and aqueous effluents; Chemistry teaching (development of pedagogical materials and different methodologies; use of active methodologies and teacher training).


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How to Cite

GOMES, R. da V. .; SIVICO, M. J. .; VENTURA, L. A. .; MENDES, A. N. F. . Production and development of didactic games in the teaching of Chemistry: Alternative paths adopted in relation to Inclusive Education. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 6, p. e9510615574, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i6.15574. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2025.



Education Sciences