Paths to popular agroecological agrarian reform




Agroecological popular Agrarian reform; Social movements; Democratization of access to land.


This article aims to analyze the possible paths for the construction of a Popular and Agroecological Agrarian Reform. Even with its importance, this theme has encountered strong resistance from landowners and the State throughout Brazilian history. The methodology used for this article is based on a theoretical bibliographical essay and document analysis. The study recovers the historical process that consolidates the roots of agrarian reform, dialoguing with authors such as Ianni (1965; 1976), Bandeira (1978), Sodré, among others. However, it brings conceptual elements that seek to understand agroecology as part of the struggle of social movements. It presents a current construction, called Popular Agrarian Reform, which comes from social movements, in which the future of the rural working class is discussed. This proposal for Popular Agrarian Reform is structured in a plan that articulates the popular mobilization in the struggle for the democratization of access to land, for work, housing, education, culture, the production of healthy food for the whole population, and the defense of biodiversity. Finally, this study revealed an ongoing process, demarcated by intense struggles of social movements in the countryside, which at the same time denounce the abandonment of peasant workers and the neglect of the environment, claim urgency in the implementation of a Popular Agroecological Agrarian Reform, which is organic of the working class and can overcome the evils caused by agribusiness, especially in the face of the deterioration of environmental issues and the lack of conditions for the reproduction of life in rural areas.

Author Biographies

Silvana Cassia Holler, Universidade Federal do Paraná

PhD in education. Associate Professor at UFPR. Works in the Agroecology Course. Member of the CNPq University School Research Group. Editor of the Journal Divers@.

Maurício Fagundes, Universidade Federal do Paraná

PhD in Education, Associate Professor at UFPR, Professor in the Graduate Program in Education and in the Program in Education Theory and Practice of Teaching. Leader of the CNPq University School Research Group. Member of the Freirean Network of Researchers.

Édina Mayer Vergara, Universidade Federal do Paraná

PhD in education. Social Worker and member of the CNPq University School Research Group.


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How to Cite

HOLLER, S. C. .; FAGUNDES, M.; VERGARA, Édina M. . Paths to popular agroecological agrarian reform . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 6, p. e13310615603, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i6.15603. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences