Impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic on dental education: View of Dental students from a public institution the State of Paraiba




Teaching.; Impacts on health; Coronavirus infections; Dentistry.


Objective: To assess the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic can have on dental education in the view of students in the Dentistry course at UFCG. Methods: In this quantitative cross-sectional study, an online questionnaire was sent by email, to all students enrolled in the course, between the months of November and December 2020, seeking to assess the socioeconomic and academic profile; the condition of physical and mental health; and the educational experience of remote education. The data were recorded in software and analyzed using descriptive statistics and uni and bivariate inference. Results: 163 students participated in the study, most of them female and attending the 1st to the 6th period. As a reflection of social isolation, there was a low prevalence of COVID-19 among students (10.4%), but the majority reported that isolation affected their mental health a lot / too much, and that fear is strongly present among the students. Almost all students performed academic activities related to the course in the period, but those who were in the 4th / 5th year classified remote education as unfeasible for the subjects of the Dentistry course (p <0.05). More than 90% of students showed a negative self-perception of the pandemic in their professional training. Conclusion: The impact that the pandemic has been having on students' lives is notorious. The negative effects generated by the academic delay and the psychological problems resulting from this atypical and challenging moment can have repercussions throughout their lives.


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How to Cite

MEDEIROS, F. L. S. de; ARAÚJO, M. C. de A.; ALMEIDA, A. B. C.; ARAÚJO NETO, A. P. de .; SANTOS, T. A. dos .; FEITOSA, F. de S. Q.; COSTA, L. E. D. Impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic on dental education: View of Dental students from a public institution the State of Paraiba. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 7, p. e15310716089, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i7.16089. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Health Sciences