Analysis of the Sense of Coherence, anxiety and depression in graduate students: Follow-up study
Anxiety; Depression; Resilience psychological.Abstract
Interest in research that measures anxiety, depression and resilience among graduate students in the health area during the course has increased in the last years. This follow-up analytical study evaluated the presence of anxiety, depression and a sense of coherence (resilience) in graduate students at UPE and UFPB in Dentistry and other courses (Nursing, Physical Education, Hebiatry, Forensic Skills). A socio-economic questionnaire was used, followed by the Sense of Coherence questionnaire (SOC) that measures the individual's ability to be adaptive to daily events. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) measured state-anxiety (about an event) and trait-anxiety (personal characteristic). The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) was the fourth instrument in this research. The first data collection was performed in the inaugural classes of the 2019/2020 master classes, the second data collection was performed at the time of the students' qualification. Research participants showed an increase in the sense of coherence, an increase in anxiety-state levels from 14.6% to 36.7% (p <0.001) and trait-anxiety continued with high levels. In the second moment, 2 students presented severe depression and 72.5% minimal depression. It was concluded that there was an increase in the sense of coherence, the emergence of severe depression, trace-anxiety at a moderate level and an increase in state-anxiety (p <0.001) among the graduate students surveyed.
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