Understanding, listening and expressing emotions by teachers at a technical and higher education institution in southern Brazil: a contribution from Transactional Analysis (AT)





Transactional analysis; Emotions; Education; Emotional education; Teaching.


Emotional Education applied in the educational context aims to develop self-knowledge about emotions, seeking to improve the quality of life of both the educator and the student. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the influence of ‘Course 101 - Introduction to Transactional Analysis (AT)’ in the understanding, listening and expression of emotions in teachers of an institution of technical and higher courses in southern Brazil. Theoretically, the study is based on authors such as Berne, Steiner, Erskine, among others. Defined as an evaluative research supported by the quantitative methodology, the study counted on the participation of 20 professors from this institution. For data collection, the Emotional Awareness Questionnaire (Steiner and Perry, 1997) was used, applied as a pre-test and post-test. The result of the research demonstrates, through the Wilcoxon T Test, the expansion of the level of 'Emotional Awareness', specifically with regard to the expansion of the levels of 'Empathy' and 'Interactivity'.

Author Biographies

Maria Lucia Rodrigues Falk, FACTUM Faculdade e Escola Técnica

Enfermeira, Analista Transacional certificada nas áreas organizacionais e Ciências da Saúde. Especialista em Saúde Pública e Mestre em Administração. Trabalhou de 1980 a 2015 no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) em cargos de liderança. Colaborador em cursos de especialização do Ministério da Saúde e professor colaborador da UFRGS. De 2016 a 2017, atuou como coordenadora do curso de Técnico em Enfermagem da Faculdade FACTUM. A partir de 2018, assume a responsabilidade de enfermagem do Hospital Tacchini, em Bento Gonçalves. Doutoranda em Educação na Linha de Pesquisa em Saúde.

Marlene Zwierewicz, Universidade Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe

Coordinator of the Professional Master's Graduate Program in Basic Education – PPGEB, Alto Vale University of Rio do Peixe – UNIARP. Coordinator with Saturnino de la Torre at RIEC.


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How to Cite

FALK, M. L. R.; ZWIEREWICZ, M. Understanding, listening and expressing emotions by teachers at a technical and higher education institution in southern Brazil: a contribution from Transactional Analysis (AT). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 8, p. e48510817578, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i8.17578. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/17578. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Education Sciences