Corporate social responsibility actions in times of pandemic




Business communication; Social responsability; Covid-19; Pandemic.


The Covid-19 pandemic has been causing relevant impacts around the world since 2020, not only in people's habits, but mainly in companies; which has been taking measures to prevent contamination of its employees, customers and suppliers. In this context, this article aims to understand and investigate how companies mobilized in the face of an adverse crisis scenario and to analyze the actions and measures taken to cope with the guidelines of the WHO and the main guidelines for corporate social responsibility guidelines -CSR. The investigation performs a contextualization and theoretical review of Corporate Social Responsibility in the context of the pandemic and the corporate actions that were implemented by the surveyed companies. It is a qualitative exploratory research, carried out in three companies from different business sectors, chosen for convenience; being the data collected through semi-structured questionnaires, with the elaboration of a content analysis; later presented summarized in individual tables. The results are basically presented in the confirmation that the companies surveyed only adopted the basic measures of the WHO recommendations: mandatory use of masks, social distancing when possible and availability of alcohol gel. Effective communication and corporate social responsibility actions are not identified by companies, seeking to mitigate the risks of invite-19, with its employees, customers and suppliers. The study's restrictions are related to the choice for convenience of the companies, and the choice of the respondent in the companies, which can distort the data collected; even though new lines of research are emerging, as companies continue to be immersed in the pandemic, in the quest to better understand the communication mechanisms adopted by companies and the failures of communication incurred by companies. Finally that the objective proposed in the investigation was fully achieved.

Author Biographies

Andréia Ferreira Martins, Universidade Estadual Paulista

He has a teaching degree from the Specific Center for Training and Improvement of the Teaching CEFAM Degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Law of Alta Paulista (2010), through PROUNI. Educator since 1996, in the municipality of Osvaldo Cruz, with experience in coordinating elementary education I and running a crèche. Specialization in special education with emphasis in LIBRAS by FEOCRUZ Osvaldo Cruz. TCC with the title: "LANGUAGE AND ITS TRAINING AS AN EXPRESSIVE FORCE OF DISABILITY FOR SOCIAL APPROPRIATION" 2016. Social works at CRAS by Osvaldo Cruz and Salmourão. private school teacher from 2002 to 2008. She was a member of the board of representatives: the elderly, CONDICA and people with disabilities. Secretary and protocol of ROTARACT Osvaldo Cruz. Currently, she is an elementary school teacher at Osvaldo Cruz I, a clinical psychologist at the Salmourão Health Center. Coordinating Psychologist of the Assisted Freedom and Service to the Community of salmon project. and private clinical psychologist in Osvaldo cruz Adamantina and Lucélia. With specialties in food re-education, psychopedagogy, special education, young offenders, behavioral neurosciences, mental health. facility for training, lectures and staff selection

Osvaldo Júlio da Silva Filho, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Graduated in Psychology from the Faculty of Human Sciences of Olinda (1985). Has experience in Psychology, with an emphasis on Human Resource Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Behavior, Social License - Relationship with communities Master in Social Management Education and Local Development - UNA University Center - Belo Horizonte - 2018 MBA - Strategic Management of Business - Fluminense Federal University - Niteroi Specialization in School Administration and Education - Federal University of Pernambuco - Recife Specialization in Human Resources - Catholic University of Pernambuco – Recife.

Téucle Mannarelli Filho, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Professor Universitário de Economia e Administração Financeira, administrador de empresas pela FEA-USP-SP, Pós graduado, Mestrado pela UNESP, e Doutorando pela UNESP. Atuação profissional como empresário do agronegócio, consultor de empresas e conselheiro da Sicoob Paulista.


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How to Cite

MARTINS, A. F. .; SILVA FILHO, O. J. da .; MANNARELLI FILHO, T. Corporate social responsibility actions in times of pandemic. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 9, p. e7610917818, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i9.17818. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 sep. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences