The Collective Subject Discourse: analysis of the student perception about the teaching-learning process in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic




Teaching-learning; Discourse of the collective subject; Students; Remote teaching; Covid-19.


The Covid-19 pandemic has imposed transformations on the teaching-learning process at all stages of formal education. So quickly and without precedent, that academic institutions have sought to resignify themselves. The purpose of this article is to present the challenges and possibilities of education in the context of the pandemic, based on the perceptions of students in the discipline of "Psychology and Development of Learning in Adolescence", offer in the undergraduate courses of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza campuses (CE), raising dialogues and reflections on the remote teaching-learning process, critical/reflective curriculum theorization, problematizing and interdisciplinary training, using as reference the contributions of Freire (1987), Pimenta (1999) and Silva (2005). Considering the reinvention of the program and the specificities of the discipline, we took as a research instrument the application of an individual questionnaire, in whose analysis we used the Collective Subject Discourse method (Lefèvre, Marques, & Lefèvre, 2003). We understand that the present study showed the importance of considering cognitive, emotional and cultural aspects, with the purpose of rethinking what has already been thought, aiming to potentiate the strength of the educational process in the formation of students in the construction of a critical and autonomous citizenship, with the ability to live and live in a world in constant change with more humanity.   

Author Biographies

Érica Cavalcante Lima, Universidade Federal do Ceará

PhD student in Education at the Federal University of Ceará (PPGE/UFC), member of the research line in ''History and Comparative Education'' (LHEC) research axis in ''Institutions, Sciences and educational practices'', under the coordination of Professor Dr. Patrícia Helena de Carvalho Holanda. Master in Public Policy and Management of Higher Education from the Federal University of Ceará (POLEDUC/UFC). He holds a degree in History from the State University of Ceará (UECE). She is a Public Servant by the Federal University of Ceará, crowded in the Pro-Rectory of People Management.  

Francisco Levi Jucá Sales, Universidade Federal do Ceará

PhD student in Education at the Federal University of Ceará (PPGE / UFC), member of the line of research in "History and Comparative Education" (LHEC), research axis in "Institutions, Sciences and Educational Practices". Master's degree in History and Cultures from the State University of Ceará (MAHIS / UECE). Graduated in History from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Specialist in Racial Equality Policies in the School Environment from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB). Professor of History and Philosophy of basic education in the state public school system of Ceará (SEDUC-CE). Historian (ME CRP Reg. No. 069/EC), with experience in History of Brazil, with emphasis on regional studies; History of Science and History of the Environment. Researcher member of the Brazilian Society of History of Science (SBHC) and the Brazilian Association of Social Studies of Sciences and Technologies (ESOCITE.BR). Educational and project advisor of the Pacoti Ecomuseum, in partnership with the Experimental Campus of Environmental Education and Ecology (UECE), working mainly with the following themes: social museology; environmental and heritage education; initiation and scientific dissemination. File Technician (ME CRP Reg. Nº 057/CE), with experience in archivology, with emphasis on Municipal Public Archives Management, and founding partner of the Association of Archivists of the State of Ceará (ARQUIVE-CE).

Juliana Alice Costa Freire, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Master's student in Education at the Graduate Program in Brazilian Education of the Federal University of Ceará (PPGE/UFC), linked to the research line "History and Comparative Education" (LHEC), research axis in "Institutions, Sciences and Educational Practices", under the coordination of Professor Dr. Patrícia Helena Carvalho Holanda. He holds a degree in Pedagogy from the State University of Ceará (UECE). Specialist in Literacy and Literacy by the Brazilian Pedagogical Institute. Effective multipurpose teacher of maracanaú city hall. Tutor in the Pedagogy Course UAB / UECE. Participates in the Group of Ethical Research, Education and Human Training, registered in CNPq and linked to the Education Center (CED) of UECE. He has experience in Education, with emphasis on Basic Education. Areas of interest and performance: Women's History, History of Education, Teacher Training, Reading and Writing, Literacy and Ethics.

Patrícia Helena Carvalho Holanda, Universidade Federal do Ceará

She is a psychologist, master, PhD in Education from ufc and post-doctorate in the area of concentration of Professional Development Professor by the Graduate Program in Education of UNB. He studied the senior internship, scholarship-CAPES, at the University of Lisbon, investigating the psychoanalyst, psychopedagogist, pedopsychiatrist, João dos Santos. Full Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Education and the Graduate Program in Education of the UFC, linked to the line of research History and Comparative Education, under its coordination. She is registered in the cnpq research group, curricular evaluation certified by the UFC. She has experience in teaching and research in the areas of Education, Psychology of Education, Psychoanalysis, Women's History, working with the following themes: childhood, family, sexuality, therapeutic pedagogy of João dos Santos, curriculum and teacher training. In the Line History and Comparative Education has been developing a research that aims to investigate the family ties and constitution of the subjects in the light of joão dos Santos' theory in the formal spaces of Education in a comparative perspective Brazil-Portugal. She was vice-coordinator of the History of Education Collection - UFC Editions (2013 - 2020). Advisor of a master's thesis and six doctoral theses in the Graduate Program in Education, in the line History and Comparative Education. 


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How to Cite

LIMA, Érica C. .; SALES, F. L. J. .; FREIRE, J. A. C. .; HOLANDA, P. H. C. . The Collective Subject Discourse: analysis of the student perception about the teaching-learning process in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e331101018900, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.18900. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 jul. 2024.



Education Sciences