Scientific research: what do the 6thyear Medical students think?




Medical Education; Students, Health Occupations; Evidence-based medicine.


Scientific research essential for the production of scientific knowledge. Thus, contact with scientific procedure allows the evolution of critical thinking, promoting an impact on student learning. As a complement to professional training, research projects help in personal development, as, when evaluating the feasibility of the research, the undergraduate is able to predict errors and systematize their execution. In Brazil, scientific research was carried out by the Ministry of Education (MEC) in 2010. In light of this scenario, alternatives to stimulate scientific production among students have been discussed. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study, carried out through a previously structured questionnaire, applied to students graduating from the sixth year of the Medicine course at two institutions in the State of Pará, one private and the other public. The study collection period was from August to November 2016. Data collection was performed by applying a validated "Likert" type questionnaire entitled Scale of Attitudes to Some Issues in Medical Practice, prepared at the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of the State University of São Paulo. The information were submitted to the statistical test of the Q-square test of adherence using the Bio-Estat 5 program. 111 medical graduate students participated in the work, a number considered sufficient for statistical validation. Established of the questionnaire data, medical students recognize the relevance of scientific research for medical training, and consider it importante to recognize the methods used in medical research.


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How to Cite

COSTA, T. N. M.; CALDATO , M. C. F.; FURLANETO , I. P. .; PACHECO, K. R. .; PEDROSA , B. L. K.; ARAÚJO , A. V. S. de. Scientific research: what do the 6thyear Medical students think?. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e317101018927, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.18927. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences