Strategies of preparation for ENADE: contributions to a Dentistry course




Learning; Active methodologies; Dentistry; Teaching.


This paper presents an experience report of pedagogical skills aimed at preparing for the National Higher Education Examination (ENADE) within the scope of the Dentistry course at a college in northern Brazil. In this article, the specific contribution of competences in the context of the Public Health Dentistry axis, which makes up a broader Action Plan with other skills and competences of the course, are emitted. The initial phase consists of exploratory research to identify strengths and weaknesses relevant to the themes of the Specific Component of the axis and the General Component that intersect with Public Health. These introductory activities were built in two phases, having in common the use of Active Learning Methodologies. The first (Specific Component) was predominantly carried out through Gamified Activities and the second (General Component) carried out through debates mediated by the Dynamics known as "Underground Shelter" with modifications aimed at deepening cross-cutting themes, being synthesized through the formation of the pedagogical tool called “Mental Map” constructed by the students. In addition to promoting greater understanding and interpretation of the issues that make up the themes of the General and Specific component, competences and/or skills that were classified as being better worked were identified and, consequently, developed in the context of the subjects of the courses and in the subsequent stages of the Plan of action. The partial results are incredible alternatives for intervention to improve student learning, as well as enabling the replication of actions in other training contexts.


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How to Cite

CELESTINO , A. F. C. J. F. .; RODRIGUES, P. A. R.; MELO, C. B. de .; CARDOSO, V. K. M.; PEREIRA, L. do S. dos S. .; SILVA, A. V. M. da .; SILVEIRA, C. O. S.; XERFAN, E. M. F. X.; FERREIRA , L. D. de O. .; WANDERELEY, M. L. W.; MATOS, M. W. de S.; TAVARES, T. S. do C. Strategies of preparation for ENADE: contributions to a Dentistry course. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 11, p. e88101119432, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i11.19432. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences