Amateur teacher: contrasting possibilities with teacher education in Brazil




Amateur; Historicity of Brazilian education; Teacher training.


This article aims to discuss the emergence of the need for teacher education in Brazil, based on the National Education Guidelines and Bases (LDB) Law of 1971, based on the concept of amateur teacher as considered by Masschelein & Simons (2017). We ask ourselves about the elements we intend to operate as a hindrance in the emergence of an amateur teacher in initial teacher education. To this end, we conducted a qualitative bibliographic research, which brings together researchers who deal with a historicity of Brazilian educational education and the training of their teachers, more specifically interested in thinking about it in the 1964-1985 cut. As a result of this commitment, the predominance of efficiency and effectiveness logics (through a series of evaluations and learning verifications) that cross the context of students and teachers is evident. In addition, an exorbitant amount of content that needs to be 'beaten' by teachers on school days, which leaves the pedagogical power of the amateur in education for a corner. Thus, what appears as a hindrance to the emergence of an amateur teacher in the Brazilian educational context, contingent on the series of requirements that form the teacher's field of action and that put the look at the subjectivities, particularities and desires of teachers and students, responding, in most cases, to the ranking parameters that are elaborated after exams and learning verification tests.

Author Biographies

Fernanda Monteiro Rigue, Federal University of Santa Maria

Degree in Chemistry from the Farroupilha Federal Institute;
Master in Education -Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Santa MariaDoctoral Student in Education - Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Santa Maria

Gilberto Oliari, Federal University of Santa Maria

Doctoral Student in Education - Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Santa Maria

Raquel Brum Sturza, Federal University of Santa Maria

Doctoral Student in Education - Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Santa Maria

Elisete Medianeira Tomazzeti, Federal University of Santa Maria

Doctor teacher at the Federal University of Santa Maria

Adriana Moreira da Rocha Veiga, Federal University of Santa Maria

Doctor teacher at the Federal University of Santa Maria


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How to Cite

RIGUE, F. M.; OLIARI, G.; STURZA, R. B.; TOMAZZETI, E. M.; VEIGA, A. M. da R. Amateur teacher: contrasting possibilities with teacher education in Brazil. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. e34922000, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i2.2000. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Review Article