Analysis of teachers 'difficulties related to teaching children with Attention and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)




Teacher training; Teacher training; School inclusion; ADHD.; School inclusion; ADHD.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized mainly by the lack of attention, the child is unable to stay focused on an activity for a long time, presenting difficulty in capturing various information, which implies impairment in his learning process. Teachers are the main collaborators in the child's development process in the school context, however, it can positively or negatively influence the life of students with ADHD, this influence being dependent on their training in the area. The present study aimed to analyze the difficulties of teachers related to the teaching of children with ADHD. It was a descriptive field research, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The research was carried out through an online form prepared by the researcher. The sample consisted of 8 teachers from a private educational institution in the city of Teresina-PI, who taught children with ADHD at the research site. As an inclusion criterion, they were teachers who had been teaching students with ADHD for at least a year and those who responded to the survey within a month. The data collection instrument was a form with objective questions, made available via the internet through Google forms. The results were organized in the Microsoft Word program in graphics. The results showed that 100% of the teachers consider it difficult to care for children with ADHD, as well as they need training in the area, they also scored around 50% that the student with ADHD interferes in the class performance, having difficulty in completing school activities. In view of the results, it was possible to identify how important it is for teachers to undergo previous training, so that they can feel able to work with the diversity of the audience present in the classroom, since they are fundamental in the child's development in the school context.


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How to Cite

CAVALCANTE, S. S. .; MENDES, A. L. R. .; CASTRO, J. G. de .; OLIVEIRA, A. S. S. .; NEVES, S. M. V. .; RAMOS, L. P. A. .; OLIVEIRA, I. F. de .; MEDEIROS, S. B. de .; COSTA, J. O. .; CORREIA, R. F. de O. .; SILVA, W. S. do N. .; LUSTOSA, G. M. P. .; LOPES, P. H. D. .; CARVALHO, G. D. .; CARVALHO, A. F. M. de . Analysis of teachers ’difficulties related to teaching children with Attention and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 13, p. e120101320678, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i13.20678. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 feb. 2025.



Health Sciences