Didactic resources for the teaching-learning process of botanical contents for basic education in Brazil





Botany teaching; Science and biology; Educational games; Regular education; Teaching practice.


The objective of this work was to survey the didactic resources produced to assist in the teaching-learning process of botanical contents for basic education in Brazil. Thus, an integrated literature review was carried out with meta-analysis through the Google Scholar platform, using the following descriptors: “botany teaching”, “didactic resource” and “basic education”, from 2000 to May 2021. Content analysis was used to express nuances of the content, categorizing the features found based on similarities. in general, it was identified that there has been an increase over the years in didactic production for the teaching of botany, especially concentrated in the Brazilian Northeast. In total, there were 59 resources, distributed into six categories (audiovisual, game, plant material, didactic model, textual-visual and technological), which had their main didactic information such as name, type, objective, content, modality, limitations and results obtained described in an integrative way to facilitate the access of teachers to possible resources to be used in their pedagogical practice. In this way, the survey, description, and integration of didactic resources directed to the teaching of botany, presented here, can facilitate the access and choice of professors of the resource that best fits or is closer to their reality and pedagogical practice in classes on botanical content, from the knowledge of the didactic information of these productions. This can favor an increase in the frequency of use of these pedagogical productions in the classroom.

Author Biographies

José Laurindo dos Santos Júnior, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Graduating from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) since 2017. He was an intern and Scientific Initiation (CI) scholarship holder at the Vegetal Physiology and Ecophysiology Laboratory (LFEV) of the same institution by COPES (UFS). He has experience in Botany, with an emphasis on Plant Physiology with emphasis on: abiotic stresses, especially water deficit, accumulation of osmotically active organic solutes and growth analysis of plants subjected to these environmental stresses. He conducts research with plants from the Brazilian semiarid region (Caatinga). He worked evaluating water memory in seeds of two representative of the Annonaceae family, Annona squamosa L. and Annona muricata L. Evaluated the effects of high temperature on seed germination and plant development in the Brazilian semiarid region. Worked with the collection, identification and conservation of botanical material. In addition, he served as Monitor for the subject of Elements of Human Anatomy at the Federal University of Sergipe and is a member of the Molecular Anatomy Group (GAM) at the same institution. He is currently a resident of the Pedagogical Residency program and is teaching internship in the Science curriculum component in final grades at a municipal school in Socorro, SE.

Lucas Siqueira dos Santos, Universidade Tiradentes

Nursing student at Tiradentes University and graduated in high-school technician integrated in information technology by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sergipe (IFS). Nursing intern at CONSTAT - Home Care in the competitive intelligence sector. Former nursing intern at the Patient Safety Center (NSP) by the Hospital de Surgery Beneficent Foundation (FBHC). Scholarship student/researcher by the Foundation for Support to Research and Technological Innovation of the State of Sergipe (FAPITEC/SE) in partnership with the Institute of Technology and Research (ITP) and Tiradentes University (UNIT). Former scholarship holder of the IFS Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBIC EM CNPq). Former member of the Research Group on Biolaw, Bioethics and Sustainability (Bios Pesquisa) at Tiradentes University. And scientific director of the Academic League of Community Health Nursing (LAESC).

Marcos Vinicius Meiado, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Graduated in Biological Sciences - Bachelor's Degree from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2005), Master's Degree (2008) and Doctorate (2012) in Plant Biology from the same institution. He is currently a professor at the Department of Biosciences (DBCI), at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Has experience in Botany, with an emphasis on Plant Ecophysiology of Semi-Arid Environments, acting on the following topics: allelopathy, soil seed bank, Cactaceae, conservation of endangered species, initial development, germination and water memory of seeds . Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation (PPEC / UFS São Cristóvão), where he conducts studies and supervises work in the research lines "Biodiversity of the Caatinga" and "Restoration of Degraded Areas"; as well as the Post-Graduate Program in Natural Sciences (PPGCN / UFS Itabaiana), advising on the research line "Biodiversity and Environment".

Elizamar Ciriaco da Silva, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Graduated in Full Degree in Biology from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (1991), Master's (2002) and Ph.D. (2008) in Botany from the same institution, in the area of Plant Physiology. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Sergipe, working in the field of Physiology and Plant Ecophysiology. He has experience in research on water relations, gas exchange and growth analysis of native and cultivated plants subjected to environmental stresses, with an emphasis on water and saline stresses. Currently, he develops projects with plants from semiarid environments (Caatinga) and tropical fruit trees, evaluating the occurrence of memory in seedlings obtained by conditioned seeds (hardening) through discontinuous hydration (hydropriming) and high temperature (thermo-priming).


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How to Cite

SANTOS JÚNIOR, J. L. dos; SANTOS, L. S. dos; MEIADO, M. V.; SILVA, E. C. da. Didactic resources for the teaching-learning process of botanical contents for basic education in Brazil. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 13, p. e448101321500, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i13.21500. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/21500. Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences