Interdisciplinary work at school with projects




Project pedagogy; Interdisciplinary; Education.


The educational system currently requires methodologies that generate changes in teaching and learning, making the student the protagonist of the construction of their own knowledge. The Project Pedagogy proposed as interdisciplinary education, aims to work skills and abilities necessary for social transformation. The redefinition of the school environment is necessary to insert the school in this contemporary experience, the change in attitude transforms the school into a significant place for teaching and learning, involving the school community within its reality. The methodology used is documentary and bibliographic research, with a qualitative nature. The project pedagogy presented in this article works on three important moments: The stage of problematization, work development and synthesis, effectively contributing to the formation of the student's social and cognitive development. The educator is the mediator of all pedagogical work and students acquire knowledge with the opportunity to make the educational action more meaningful.

Author Biography

Lano Alves Costa, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Novo Gama

Graduated in Licentiate and Bachelor's Degree in Biology from Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (2004), Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy at Faculdade Evangélica do Meio Norte (2006), Graduated in Normal Superior at Faculty Albert Einstein (2008), Graduated in Theology at Faculty João Calvino (2008) and graduation (Pedagogical Training) Degree in Religious Education and Visual Arts from Faculdade Gamaliel (2020). Specialization in Management and Educational Guidance (FTED ? 2006), specialization in Sciences of Religion (FIAR-2020), specialization in Religious Education, Libras and Art Therapy (UniBF-2020). Master in Canon Law from the Pontificia Università Gregoriana (2020). Studying for a Doctorate in Canon Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires, taking a Master's Degree in Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, taking a Professional Master's Degree in Science and Mathematics Teaching at the University of Passo Fundo. He is currently a professor at the Municipality of Novo Gama, president of the Foundation Prosecutor of Justice Dr. Nilson Marquez, president of the Karol Josef Wojtyla Institute, assistant judge and auditor - Interdiocesan Ecclesiastical Court of Uberaba, career coaching/behavioral analyst of the Brazilian Coaching Federation Systemic Integral and Priest - Mitra Diocesana of Paracatu. He has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on Environmental Education and Religious Education.


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How to Cite

COSTA, L. A. . Interdisciplinary work at school with projects. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. e38911221567, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i2.21567. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 mar. 2025.



Education Sciences