Assessment of mathematics learning in the first year of high school at a public school of the state of Mato Grosso: between theory and reality




Learning assessment; Mathematics education; Conceptions and teaching practices.


This article presents results of a research that has as its object the mathematics learning assessment process. The central issue is to understand how assessment is being conceived and practiced by teachers in the first year of high school. For this, we sought to analyze the evaluation process presented in official documents that guide Basic Education in Brazil and in Mato Grosso (MT), and to know the conception and practice of evaluating of teachers at this stage. The research was developed in a public school of the state Of Mato Grosso, in Sinop/MT, involving three Mathematics teachers. The analysis and interpretation of the data produced were developed in the light of the guiding principles of formative assessment, according to the epistemological meanings of Luckesi (2011; 2018), Perrenoud (1999), Darsie (1998), Hoffmann (2018), Sacristán and Gómez (1998) and Libâneo (2006). We opted for exploratory qualitative research with interpretive analysis of official documents and data generated from questionnaires and interview answered by the teachers as an investigative instrument. This instrument aimed to verify how Mathematics teachers perceive students entering high school in the following aspects: attitude towards the study and basic mathematical knowledge built in elementary school. In addition, how this knowledge is diagnosed and evaluated by teachers during the school year. In this conjecture, the results pointed to a rupture in the teaching process and in the evaluation format in the passage from Elementary School (Cycle of Human Formation) to High School (serial), a factor that affects student performance.


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How to Cite

MARCHIORI , S. T. .; DARSIE, M. M. P. . Assessment of mathematics learning in the first year of high school at a public school of the state of Mato Grosso: between theory and reality. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 14, p. e34101421718, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i14.21718. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jan. 2025.



Education Sciences