Characterization chemical and functional of pulp Cubiu (Solanun sensiflorum Dunal) lyophilized for consumption in capsules




cubiu, lyophilization, chemical composition, capsule.; Cubiu; Lyophilization; Chemical composition; Capsule.


The cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal) is one of the native genetic resources of the Amazon, very nutritious, used for different purposes – medicine, food and cosmetic. Thus, the objective of this work was to freeze and encapsulate the cubiu pulp in order to verify the quality of the product through physicochemical analysis. This is an experimental study, and the stages of pulp treatment are observed from lyophilization to the encapsulation of samples, in order to obtain information about the influence of lyophilization on the form of consumption and physical-chemical and functional characteristics. Centesimal analysis of the pulp with moisture contents (90,25%), proteins (0,87%), lipids (1,92%), ash (0,78%), carbohydrates (4,03%), energy value (33,88Kcal/100g) and pH (3,15) were determined. In the determination of the concentration of lyophilized cubiu, moisture contents (0,0%), proteins (1,96%), lipids (2,84%), ash (1,45%), total fibers (4,86%), carbohydrates (11,11%), the energy value (77,84Kcal/100g) the concentration of bioactive substances such as pectin (2,64%), ascorbic acid (11,86), phenolic compounds (15,56), reducing sugars (3,86), total carotenoids (0,246). Most of the values found in the determination of pulp composition are within the range observed in the literature consulted, usually referring to fruits produced in the Amazon region. The lyophilization process proved to be efficient compared with other means of dehydration and the encapsulation method proved to be a technology with high potential and can be an alternative of great importance, both in the nutritional and functional issue, as in the logistics issue.

Author Biographies

Josiely da Silva de Oliveira, Faculdade Uninorte

Pharmacy Student / Uninorte College/Ser

Rosane Silva da Silva, Faculdade Uninorte

Pharmacy Student / Uninorte College/Ser


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, J. da S. de .; SILVA, R. S. da .; SILVA, M. T. da. Characterization chemical and functional of pulp Cubiu (Solanun sensiflorum Dunal) lyophilized for consumption in capsules. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 14, p. e380101421993, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i14.21993. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences