Analysis of the efficiency in the use of health resources in the largest brazilian municipalities




Efficiency in Public Management; Resources Applied in Public Health; Data envelopment analysis.


This study analyzes the extent to which medical resources for public health in the 80 largest Brazilian municipalities are used efficiently. This research is based on the search for government efficiency, arising from the managerialism developed in the public sector. In this sense, it is assumed that public institutions need their resources economically, maintaining or increasing the quality of services provided. The investigation focuses on 76 cities with data between 2013 to 2017 and measured efficiency through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Health expenses (incomings) and 6 other outgoing variables (outflows) were considered, namely: Hospital Admission Authorization, deaths, days of stay, average value of admissions, value of hospital services and days of admissions. The DEA modeling was developed with input orientation by the BCC model (variable returns to scale). The results of the study demonstrate that the most efficient cities are concentrated in the south and southeast regions. However, the main demonstration of the finding is that only the increase in health expenses does not correspond to more efficient services. The data show that the efficiency obtained is related to the good management of public resources and not necessarily to the volume of administrative resources. It should also be emphasized that public managers can use the municipalities listed in the result as a benchmark for the model, in order to enhance the indicators and improve the management of public resources. Furthermore, the study is advancing the theory in public administration and accounting for social management in the health area.

Author Biographies

Alessandro Lepchak, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste

Graduated in Accounting from Unicentro - PR (2005), MBA in Accounting Management from
Facinter - PR (2008), Master in Accounting from UFPR (2014). Doctoral student in
Accounting at the Federal University of Paraná. Capes Scholarship - Master in
Accounting - UFPR (2012-2014). Professional experience in Accounting as an accountant
partner at BLV Contadores (2005-2015). Collaborating professor in the area of
​​Management Accounting at Unicentro - PR (2013-2015). Assistant Professor in the area
of ​​Management Accounting at Unicentro - PR (2015-current).  

Saulo Silva Lima Filho, Universidad Federal de Paraná

Doctor and Master in Accounting from the Federal University of Paraná, Specialist in
Accounting and Finance and Social Security Management, graduated in Administration and
Accounting Sciences. It focuses on research related to the public sector, especially
in financial administration, public budgeting and Accounting Applied to the Public
Sector. Instructor of courses related to procedural compliance for budget and financial
execution; management reports based on information from accounting systems such as the
Federal Government's Integrated Financial Administration System (SIAFI); in addition
to courses on applications in office suites with routines related to financial
administration. He has professional experience in Financial and Budget Management,
Accounting Applied to the Public Sector and in investment analysis. In these areas,
he assumed the functions of head of units, finance manager, director of financial
administration, director of accounting and finance (substitute) and coordinator of
financial administration. He is currently a public servant at the Federal University
of Paraná, with the Department of Accounting and Finance in the Dean of Planning,
Budget and Finance.  

Eduardo Oliveira da Silva, Universidade Federal do Paraná

This study analyzes the extent to which medical resources for public health in the 80 largest Brazilian municipalities are used efficiently. This research is based on the search for government efficiency, arising from the managerialism developed in the public sector. In this sense, it is assumed that public institutions need their resources economically, maintaining or increasing the quality of services provided. The investigation focuses on 76 cities with data between 2013 to 2017 and measured efficiency through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Health expenses (incomings) and 6 other outgoing variables (outflows) were considered, namely: Hospital Admission Authorization, deaths, days of stay, average value of admissions, value of hospital services and days of admissions. The DEA modeling was developed with input orientation by the BCC model (variable returns to scale). The results of the study demonstrate that the most efficient cities are concentrated in the south and southeast regions. However, the main demonstration of the finding is that only the increase in health expenses does not correspond to more efficient services. The data show that the efficiency obtained is related to the good management of public resources and not necessarily to the volume of administrative resources. It should also be emphasized that public managers can use the municipalities listed in the result as a benchmark for the model, in order to enhance the indicators and improve the management of public resources. Furthermore, the study is advancing the theory in public administration and accounting for social management in the health area.

Blênio Cezar Severo Peixe, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Associate Professor of the Undergraduate Course in Accounting, Lato Sensu Graduate
Program and Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Accounting at the Federal University of
Paraná, Former Titular Member of CEPE / COUN / UFPR and Other Councils of UFPR,
researcher with a project approved by CNPq (Vice-leader of the Research Group-PPGcont /
UFPR - Certified by CNPq). Graduated in Accounting Sciences - UFPR (1984), Master in
Accounting Sciences - UERJ / FGV (1995), Doctor in Business Sciences - UMSA (2005) and
Doctor in Production Engineering - UFSC (2014). He coordinated the Post-Graduate Course in
Accounting Sciences, Vice-Coordinator of the Post-Graduate Program in Stricto Sensu in
Accounting - UFPR and coordinated several Post-Graduate Courses in Sensu - UFPR. Elaborated
the project / proposal for the creation of the Masters in Accounting Sciences-UFPR / SCSA
(approved / 2004 by CAPES). He has experience in Public Administration / Finance, with an
emphasis on Public Policy Formulation and Management, Accounting, Governance and
Accountability Applied to the Public Sector. He has published several articles in national
and international magazines and congresses. Led the coordination and organization of the
publications of 9 Books / Public Finance, Formulation and Management of Public Policies and
20 book chapters. Published 1 book on public finance - Government Comptroller. And works in
the areas of: Public Finance; New Public Management (NGP); Accounting, Governance and
Accountability Applied to the Public Sector (Masters and Doctorate? PPGCont / UFPR) and
Management Accounting (Postgraduate and Specialization). Permanent member of the Academy of
the Brazilian Academy of Economic, Political and Social Sciences? National Academy of
Economy (ANE), headquartered in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, founded in 1944 (Cátedra nº 75).


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How to Cite

LEPCHAK, A. .; LIMA FILHO, S. S. .; SILVA, E. O. da .; PEIXE, B. C. S. . Analysis of the efficiency in the use of health resources in the largest brazilian municipalities. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 15, p. e382101522669, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i15.22669. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Review Article