Epidemiological profile of COVID-19 infection in kidney transplantation recipients from a center of northeastern Brazil and predictive factors of mortality





Kidney transplantation; Novel coronavirus infection; Mortality.


Objectives: To investigate mortality from COVID-19 in renal transplant recipients (RT) and factors associated with increased risk of death. Methods: RT recipients with suspected COVID-19 were monitored by nephrologists from march to december 2020, through daily telephone contact, and clinical-laboratory-evolution data regarding COVID-19 were recorded. A multivariate analysis (logistic regression, forward stepwise) to search for predictive factors of death was performed. Results: 96 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed (RT-PCR or COVID serology), being 55.2% male, mean age 49.1 years, 90.6% deceased donor and median RT time 5.2 years. The most frequent comorbidities were SAH (76%), diabetes (37.5%) and cardiovascular disease (14.6%). The most used immunosuppression was tacrolimus/mycophenolate (66.7%) and prednisone (69.8%). In 39.6% of the cases, hospitalization was necessary, with 18.8% in the ICU. Regarding the outcomes, 87.5% were free of the disease and 12.5% ​​died. In the multivariate analysis, the following variables were associated with a greater chance of death: time since transplantation greater than 5.7 years and recipient age greater than 55 years, while a lower baseline creatinine was associated with a lower chance of mortality. Conclusion: Mortality by COVID-19 in RT recipients was higher than in the general population, but lower than that described in other transplant centers. Transplant time and recipient age were predictors of death in this population, while lower baseline creatinine was associated with lower mortality.


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How to Cite

D’AGNOLUZZO, T. Z.; ALCÂNTARA, A. L. C. .; FERNANDES, P. F. C. B. C. .; GIRÃO, E. S. .; SANDES FREITAS, T. V. de .; OLIVEIRA, C. M. C. de . Epidemiological profile of COVID-19 infection in kidney transplantation recipients from a center of northeastern Brazil and predictive factors of mortality. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. e34511125199, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i1.25199. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/25199. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



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