The importance of school libraries for the development of reading practices




Library; Reading practices; Citizen-reader.


This work reflects on the importance of libraries for the development of reading practices, whose objective is to identify how school libraries are being used to encourage reading in two state schools in Mato Grosso, describing and reporting how this school space can contribute (or not) towards the formation of a reader. It is intended to describe how the library is acting in conditions of physical structure, collection and human resources and how these factors can influence reader formation. First, we carried out a bibliographic research to better understand the history of the library and its changes over time, with the analysis it was noticed that the library has been transformed according to man, formerly only for the guard, currently to disseminate knowledge. Later, we carried out field research to better understand the influence of this environment and how it is being used to strengthen the reading habit. As a conclusion of the research, we verified that the importance of the library in the formation of the citizen reader is indisputable, this environment is a fundamental didactic resource to encourage the reading habit, through reading activities such as stories, stories or songs and others. Therefore, it is necessary that schools pay attention to libraries, programming and planning projects, as schools where teachers and librarians are involved in these practices are rare. The library has an inestimable value, as it can enrich the human being's intellect, transforming him into a critical and reflective subject, capable of transforming society, if the place is used wisely.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, E. S. .; ROSSI, M.; RODRIGUES, E. de F. .; SIMÕES, L. R. .; OLIVEIRA, V. M. de .; BRAUN, P. D. L. .; SILVA, N. G. da .; MARCELINO, J. A. R. .; RODRIGUES, R. da S. .; VERDELHO, S. A. A. . The importance of school libraries for the development of reading practices. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. e47111125274, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i1.25274. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.



Education Sciences