Nutritional potential of Red Jambo fruit: dietary fibers, minerals, antioxidant potential, and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds




Syzygium malaccense; Monosaccharide composition; Mineral profile; In vitro digestion; Nutraceutical.


Red jambo (RJ) is used by traditional medicine to treat diabetes, so far there are no reports on the relationship of its fiber content with monosaccharide composition and the bioaccessibility of the phenolic compounds. The aim of this study was to characterize the nutritional profile, minerals, the composition of sugars, the antioxidant potential, and the phenolic compounds accessibility of the fruit edible parts (pulp and peel). Considering the edible fraction, the major minerals were manganese, iron, magnesium, and zinc, suggesting that they can contribute to the recommended daily intake for adults. The monosaccharide composition showed that both the pulp and the peel have as main composition glucose (50.1% and 68.4%) and uronic acids (38.4% and 20.6%), respectively. Also, the contents of bioactive compounds and the antioxidant potential of the fruit are relatively high in the pulp and peel fractions, mainly for DPPH assay. Moreover, fourteen phenolic compounds were identified. Among them, p-coumaric and trans-cinnamic acids showed the highest bioaccessibility. We suggest the use of RJ in new nutraceutical and food products since it is a natural source of compounds with natural antioxidants.


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How to Cite

GIBBERT, L.; BAMPI, M.; KERKHOVEN, N. C. .; SERENO, A. B.; PINTO, C. de Q. P.; FERREIRA, S. M. R. .; CORDEIRO, A. M. T. de M. .; MEIRELES, B. R. L. de A. .; BORGES, G. da S. C.; SILVEIRA, J. L. M. .; MIGUEL, O. G. .; DIAS, J. de F. G. .; BERTIN, R. L.; KRUGER, C. C. H. Nutritional potential of Red Jambo fruit: dietary fibers, minerals, antioxidant potential, and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. e33111225578, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i2.25578. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences