Conservation Awareness Project: environmental actions in conservation unit in Marajó/PA region




Environmental education; Charapucu State Park; Social transformation; Educational actions.


This work presents environmental actions carried out in the project, entitled, Conscientization for Conservation: Environmental Education in the Charapucu State Park, being a project that emerged through management planning of the Institute for Forestry Development of Biodiversity of the state of Pará, having its dynamics based on actions that permeate traditional communities in a conservation unit. The objective is to systematize the actions that were carried out in the Charapucu State Park, being an Integral Protection Nature Conservation Unit located in the Pará Amazon, on Marajó Island, in the city of Afuá. Methodologically, this research has a qualitative scope because it involves studies of group social actions, in the case of a participatory action research, the project addresses lectures, educational actions, gymkhanas, puppet theater, educational playful games, construction of a suspended vegetable garden, among others. It concludes with the development of the project, which makes it possible to reach different audiences, currently approximately 2,500 people have been totaled in 15 schools in rural and urban areas and 12 rural communities, thus making it possible to work with schools and communities in the floodplain area, being a territory of difficult access where the exploitation of natural resources are the livelihood of local families.

Author Biography

Cintia da Cunha Soares, Universidade Federal do Pará

Graduated in Forest Engineering from the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (2003), Master in Botany from the Federal Rural University of the Amazon / Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará (2006), Specialist in Environmental Management (2015) and doctoral student of the graduate program of the BIONORTE network in Biodiversity and Biotechnology (2018 - ongoing). Effective Public Servant of the State of Pará, at the Institute for Forest and Biodiversity Development of the State of Pará (2008-presently). From 2012 to 2018 I held the position of Director of Public Forests of Production Management, responsible for the Management of Public Forests of the STATE of Pará that are under the Forest Concession modality, established by Federal Law 11.284/2006, among other complementary activities arising from forest monitoring in Sustainable Forest Management Plans. Currently I am working at the Directorate of Management and Monitoring of Conservation Units, in the Marajó region.


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How to Cite

ARAÚJO, A. A. de; PONTES, A. N. .; SOARES, C. da C. .; SOUZA, S. R. de .; BARBOSA, A. de F. de L. .; ANDRADE, M. T. V. S. .; SANTOS, M. M. dos .; SILVA, R. C. da . Conservation Awareness Project: environmental actions in conservation unit in Marajó/PA region. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. e48411226038, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i2.26038. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 jan. 2025.



Education Sciences