Changes in enamel surface after use of nanoencapsulated fluoride for dental caries remineralization: an in vitro study




Dental caries; Toothpastes; Tooth remineralization; Fluoride; Nanotechnology.


Aim: To evaluate through an in vitro study surface changes on decayed enamel after the use of fluoridated dentifrices involving nanoencapsulated technology (NanoF). Methods: Forty blocks of human enamel were distributed among four groups (n = 10): 50% NanoF + 50% NaF (50% nF), 100% NanoF (100% nF), 100% NaF as the positive control (PC) and without fluoride as the negative control (NC). The specimens were subjected to a pH cycling model for 7 days. Surface microhardness (SMH), linear surface roughness (Ra) and area surface roughness (Sa) were measured before and after the carious lesion formation and at the end of the treatment. Percentages of surface microhardness recovery (%SMHR), altered Ra (%RaC) and altered Sa (%SaC) were calculated. The data were analyzed using the ANOVA test, repeated-measures ANOVA and Pearson's correlation test (p<0.05). Results: No significant differences among groups were found for Ra, Sa, %RaC or %SaC (p>0.05). Ra and Sa increased after treatment. A significant correlation was found between Ra and Sa. The PC dentifrice had the highest %SMHR, followed by 100% nF (p<0.05). In contrast, no surface remineralization was found in the 50% nF and NC groups. Conclusion: Enamel surface changes were found after the remineralizing treatment with 100% nF group. The majority of dentifrices with fluoride provided an increase in the roughness and surface microhardness. Nanotechnology is an innovative, promising method for the controlled release of fluoride and the remineralization of teeth with dental caries.

Author Biographies

Juliellen Luiz da Cunha, Federal University of Paraíba

Undergraduate Dentistry Course, Health Sciences Centre, Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, João Pessoa/Paraíba, Brazil.

Elizabeth Barreto Galvão de Sousa, Federal University of Paraíba

Undergraduate Dentistry Course, Health Sciences Centre, Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, João Pessoa/Paraíba, Brazil.

Nayanna Lana Soares Fernandes, Federal University of Paraíba

Department of Clinical and Social Dentistry, Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, João Pessoa/Paraíba, Brazil.

Ingrid Andrade Meira, University of Campinas

Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontology, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas- UNICAMP, Piracicaba/São Paulo, Brazil.

Thiago Isidro Vieira, Federal University of Paraíba

Department of Morphology, Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, João Pessoa/Paraíba, Brazil.

Ana Maria Barros Chaves Pereira, Federal University of Paraíba

Department of Morphology, Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, João Pessoa/Paraíba, Brazil

Fabio Correia Sampaio, Federal University of Paraíba

Department of Clinic and Social Dentistry, Federal University of Paraiba - UFPB, João Pessoa/Paraiba, Brazil.

Andressa Feitosa Bezerra de Oliveira, Federal University of Paraíba

Department of Morphology, Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, João Pessoa/Paraíba, Brazil.


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How to Cite

CUNHA, J. L. da .; SOUSA, E. B. G. de .; FERNANDES, N. L. S.; MEIRA, I. A.; LAVÔR, J. R. de; VIEIRA, T. I.; PEREIRA, A. M. B. C.; SAMPAIO, F. C. .; OLIVEIRA, A. F. B. de . Changes in enamel surface after use of nanoencapsulated fluoride for dental caries remineralization: an in vitro study . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. e7611426176, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i4.26176. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences