Stages of motor learning and the teaching-learning process in swimming




Swimming; Motor Learning; Teaching; Stages of learning.


A formal swimming learning occurs through a direct interaction between teacher and learner. The aim of this study is to present models for classification of learning in stages and discuss their implications for the teaching-learning process of swimming. This narrative review was carried out through bibliographic research. We used qualitative and exploratory approaches. Models proposed by Adams (1971), Fitts and Posner, (1967), and Gentile (1972) categorize learning into several stages, accounting for the characteristics of the learners and the environment. To enhance the teaching-learning process of swimming skills, the teacher must recognize the stages in which the learner finds himself, and to establish efficient teaching strategies. The learning stage identification affects the manipulation of variables that interfere in learning, such as setting goals, selecting content, choosing appropriate strategies and assessing learning, regardless of the swimming stroke. Even though some points will differ between swimming styles, such as the specificity, the specificity of errors, the informational demand, and the amount of practice, it is the teacher's role to establish the relationship between the student and the contents to be taught in the teaching-learning process. Overall, the quality of the teaching-learning process will depend on the teacher’s ability to propose contents that are appropriate to the characteristics, needs and expectations of the learners, being sufficiently challenging to arouse motivation and to promote skills learning.


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How to Cite

FERNANDES , L. A.; NOGUEIRA , N. G. H. M.; FIGUEIREDO, L. S.; FERREIRA, B. P.; COUTO, C. R.; TORRES , N. L.; RIBEIRO, L. C.; LAGE, G. M. Stages of motor learning and the teaching-learning process in swimming. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. e26311326201, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i3.26201. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences