From the applicability to the BNCC's interventive action in school physical education: the health theme on the agenda




Curriculum policies; Common national curriculum base; Health.


This study aimed to discuss the health theme configuration in the BNCC and its applicability in the interventional field of Physical Education in High School. For that, the qualitative method of the descriptive type was used, the investigation had the participation of 03 preceptors of the Pedagogical Residency Program and a supervisor of PIBID. We rely on the analysis of the BNCC for High School, followed by a semi-structured interview with the preceptors and the supervisor. For data analysis, we opted for the referrals described from the content analysis. As a result, the need to include specific themes about the knowledge and skills to be treated as health content in the classes based on the relationships with bodily practices was evidenced on the health theme exposed in the BNCC. Furthermore, the lack of dealing with the knowledge and knowledge of the health theme was evidenced from the perception of the interviewees. In addition to this fact, the data collected in the interviews pointed to the need for a structural redistribution in relation to themes and contents, in this case, the health theme in the curricular matrix of Physical Education applied to High School. The sample data focus on the need for discussion and reflection on the relevance of the theme in the field of Physical Education, in addition to highlighting the need for continued training of teachers, in addition to the effective need for self-regulation and flexibility of normative documents from the educational needs according to the diversity of reality that makes up the school universe.


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How to Cite

CATABRIGA, L. M. .; ALVES, C. M. .; REIS, L. C. dos .; ANVERSA, A. L. B. .; SOUZA, V. de F. M. de . From the applicability to the BNCC’s interventive action in school physical education: the health theme on the agenda. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. e35411326568, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i3.26568. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jan. 2025.



Education Sciences