Vulnerable populations in South America and facing the pandemic: what can our experiences reveal to the world?




COVID-19; Environmental education; Equality; Environmental justice; Public policies; Educommunication.


The new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic brought an unimaginable health and humanitarian crisis to humanity, in addition to the need to rethink our way of life in society. The objective of this paper was to present data on the evolution of the pandemic in South America and the first confrontation measures adopted by governments, highlight the importance of scientific dissemination and demonstrate how social inequalities, especially in traditional vulnerable communities, can further impact small isolated populations. The exploratory study used secondary data from scientific articles, legal regulations, and informational and/or official communications, in relation to the advance of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the South American continent.  The results showed the importance of science in the dissemination of measures to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the need for a prioritization and logistical plan for vaccination and disease prevention in traditional vulnerable communities, and that the lack of access to connectivity, as an alternative to educational actions in a moment of social isolation, can further increase social inequalities. It was concluded that environmental education can directly contribute to the democratization of scientific information, collaborate in the construction of strategies to face the pandemic in South American countries in partnership with Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations, and facilitate the resumption of social and educational activities, seeking the construction of inclusive public policies and environmental justice, besides reducing inequalities. 

Author Biographies

Tális Pereira Matias, Universidade Federal de Alfenas

Education and area of expertise: Environmental Engineer, Masters in Environmental Engineering (Wastewater Treatment), Doctoral Student in Environmental Sciences (Biological Diversity and Conservation) working in Effluent Treatment, Nature Conservation, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental and Coastal Management, Environmental Education and Sustainability.

Institution/Institute/Department: Federal University of Alfenas/Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PPGCA)

Adriana Maria Imperador, Universidade Federal de Alfenas

Education and area of expertise: Biology, Master's and Doctorate in Environmental Engineering Sciences, working in Environmental Education, Environmental Management and Sustainability

Institution/Institute/Department: Federal University of Alfenas/Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PPGCA)

Luciana Botezelli, Universidade Federal de Alfenas

Education and area of expertise: Forestry Engineer, Master's in Forestry Engineering (Environmental Management), Doctorate in Sciences (Ecology of Tropical Forests) working in Nature Conservation, Environmental and Urban Planning, Environmental Management, Conservation Units.

Institution/Institute/Department: Federal University of Alfenas/Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PPGCA)

Daniela Rocha Teixeira Riondet-Costa, Universidade Federal de Itajubá

Graduated in Law and PhD in Environmental Sciences.
Activities: management of conservation units, environmental education, master plans and environmental law.

Federal University of Itajubá
natural resources institute
Postgraduate program in environment and water resources

Vívian Ariane de Oliveira Costa, Universidade Federal de Alfenas

Degree in Biological Sciences, Master in Development, Technologies and Society and PhD candidate in Environmental Sciences.

Institution/Institute/Department: Federal University of Alfenas/Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PPGCA)

Letícia de Alcântara Moreira, Universidade Federal de Itajubá

Education: Graduation and Post-Graduation in Environmental Management, Doctoral Student and Master in Environment and Water Resources.

Federal University of Itajubá (UNIFEI), Institute of Natural Resources (IRN), Graduate Program in Environment and Water Resources (POSMARH).


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How to Cite

MATIAS, T. P. .; IMPERADOR, A. M. .; BOTEZELLI, L. .; RIONDET-COSTA, D. R. T. .; COSTA, V. A. de O. .; MOREIRA, L. de A. . Vulnerable populations in South America and facing the pandemic: what can our experiences reveal to the world?. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. e59511427924, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i4.27924. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Review Article