SpaceGeo_AR: augmented reality application for teaching and learning spatial geometry by deaf and non-deaf students




Augmented reality; Deafness; Learning; Mobile application; Spatial geometry; Teaching.


Objective: to present the SpaceGeo_AR application with augmented reality resources for teaching and learning spatial geometry aimed at deaf and non-deaf students. Methodology: the Heroku platform was used to program the application, a cloud system that allows the development of mobile applications through numerous resources of web technologies. Results: the application allows the registration of teachers and students, where the former has permissions to create, delete and edit classes and questionnaires, while the student is allowed access to the contents of Position Geometry (a chapter of Spatial Geometry), as well as how to answer questionnaires associated with this theme. Final considerations: applications to improve teaching and learning in the classroom have become a constant in an increasingly technological world, where augmented reality can help in this process, especially when considering Spatial Geometry, a topic strongly related to the three-dimensional. Another trend is the inclusion of people with disabilities in teaching processes, a feature that was also implemented in the application. With this, it is expected that the application can help deaf and non-deaf teachers and students with the learning of Position Geometry through the interactions that augmented reality allows to perform.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, F. C. de; TOLEDO, W. E.; BISSACO, M. A. S.; SILVA, R. R. da. SpaceGeo_AR: augmented reality application for teaching and learning spatial geometry by deaf and non-deaf students. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 7, p. e23211729656, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i7.29656. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 sep. 2024.



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