Ethnopedagogical knowledge about medicinal plants in a rural community of Quixabeira (Bahia, Brazil)




Ecological awareness; Ethnobotany; Traditional know.


The featured study is an investigation between popular knowledge and academic/school science, from a pedagogical-environmental approach, developed in a Quixabeira community in the semi-arid region of Bahia. It aimed to relate popular knowledge focused on the use of plants for medicinal purposes, aiming to promote and propagate knowledge and respect for this tradition in line with environmental conservation among new generations. The research has a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, through a search for specific literature on the subject and an experience report. The field work resulted in the collection of information from 7 (seven) residents of the community through listening, analyzing the potential of herbs that heal, historical importance in the treatment of diseases and preservation of the local culture. Through listening/dialogue, 29 plant specimens were identified, observing which plant structures were most used, the way of preparation and the diseases for which they are prescribed. It has been shown that, as people feel the need to use plants for medicinal purposes, a feeling of care arises with the valuation of natural resources, reverberating in the cultural strengthening of the community and maintaining historical memory, such as traditional knowledge and values. The data collected showed, even with the degradation of the Caatinga in recent decades, a diversity of flora species and the medicinal potential is still present in these remnants of villages, deconstructing prejudice, which has made the relationship between man and nature possible in a rational and sustainable.


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How to Cite

MARTINS, C. A. N. .; DANTAS, J. A. da S. .; OLIVEIRA, C. R. M. de .; SANDES, F. S. . Ethnopedagogical knowledge about medicinal plants in a rural community of Quixabeira (Bahia, Brazil). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 8, p. e3311830221, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i8.30221. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 feb. 2025.



Education Sciences