Booklets on mental health care and promotion in the COVID-19 pandemic as health education tools: scope review
Health education; COVID-19; Mental health.Abstract
The expansion of health education to managers, health professionals and the general population in the face of isolation or social distance, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital booklet as an educational technology for the promotion and care of mental health. This research is a scope review to map the booklets made available and shown by studies found in national and international databases and databases, and to perform a knowledge gap analysis. 21 booklets were identified in this research addressing topics such as anxiety, stress, anger, confusion, suicide, psychotropic drugs, palliative care, mental health promotion and care, guidelines for treatments and available support, intersectoral actions, physical and multisensory exercise practices and the self care. Only three booklets were built and validated by expert judges. We emphasize the importance of validation studies to ensure the adherence of the target audience and the conduction of studies that evaluate adherence to the proposals of the booklets in the promotion and care of mental health.
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