Motivational profile of undergraduates in chemistry from a sociocognitivist perspective: considering gender and institutional programs




Motivation; Theory of Self-Determination; Chemistry Teacher Training; Teaching.


This study aimed to analyze the motivational profile of undergraduates in Chemistry in the city of Manaus, considering factors such as gender and participation in institutional programs. To do so, we adopted a mixed research approach that enables dialogue and integration between quantitative and qualitative data. The research had the participation of 58 students from two higher education federal institutions. Data were collected through the application of a questionnaire formed by items that evaluated different motivational levels proposed by the Theory of Self-Determination. In addition, we used semi-structured interviews to better understand the factors that influenced the participants' motivational profile. Regarding the questionnaire, the data were treated using descriptive and inferential statistics, while the speeches were analyzed according to the assumptions of Discursive Textual Analysis. The results showed a little self-determined motivational profile with higher averages for items that assessed extrinsic motivation by introjected regulation. Based on this understanding, it is possible to develop strategies and actions that favor permanence in the course, good performance and well-being in the training contexts. In this way, we hope that this research can contribute to promoting discussions about the importance of motivation in the formation of chemistry teachers.

Author Biographies

João Bosco Paulain Santana Júnior, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

He holds a degree in Chemistry and a Masters in Chemistry Teaching from the Federal University of Amazonas (Ufam) - emphasis on the study of Motivation for Learning in High School. Currently, he is studying for a doctorate at the Graduate Program in Chemistry at Ufam, with an emphasis on the study of motivation for learning in Higher Education, and works as a Master Professor at the State Department of Education of Amazonas (SEDUC/AM), teaching the discipline of Chemistry and acting as professor-advisor of the Digital Culture Project. He has experience in the field of chemistry in the electrochemical study for the detection of metals from boron-doped diamond electrodes.

Sidilene Aquino de Farias, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Graduated in Bachelor's and Licentiate in Chemistry, Master's in Chemistry of Natural Products from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). She holds a PhD in Science (area of ​​concentration: Chemistry) from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). She is currently Associate Professor I at the Federal University of Amazonas. She works, mainly, in the Degree in Chemistry, teaching subjects from the Curriculum Internship and Practice as a Curricular Component. She has already coordinated the subproject Chemistry in the Pedagogical Residence, from 2018 to 2020. Regarding research and guidance, she is accredited in the Graduate Program in Chemistry, research line Teaching Chemistry. She has experience in administration as coordinator of undergraduate and graduate courses. She has experience in the field of Chemistry, with: chromatography, separation and identification of lipid classes, fatty acids (fish and vegetable oils), fuel analysis. She is currently developing research in the field of Chemical Education, mainly on the following topics: training of Science teachers, high school, teaching materials and experimentation in teaching.


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How to Cite

SANTANA JÚNIOR, J. B. P.; FARIAS, S. A. de. Motivational profile of undergraduates in chemistry from a sociocognitivist perspective: considering gender and institutional programs. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 9, p. e43211931942, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i9.31942. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.



Education Sciences