The perception of multi-professional residents facing palliative oncological sedation




Conscious Sedation; Perception; Training of human resources in health; Oncology.


The challenges experienced by multiprofessional residents in the face of palliative sedation, and the need for training to train ethical, humane and reflective professionals in palliative care are impasses that directly reflect on patient care. The objective of this present work is to discuss the perception of multiprofessional residents in the face of oncological palliative sedation based on an analysis of scientific articles on the subject. This is an integrative review including primary articles indexed in the LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF, IBECS and COLECIONA SUS databases, as recommended by the PRISMA tool, published from 2017 onwards. After analysis, it was observed that the publications involved related aspects, categorizing 03 main themes: Bioethical perception of residents on palliative sedation; perception of good practices in palliative sedation and perception of residents' professional training on palliative sedation. A large gap in the topic addressed was identified. All these aspects have a direct impact on the performance of residents in the process of approaching oncological palliative sedation due to insecurity and unpreparedness, making it necessary to approach the topic in the training of these professionals.

Author Biographies

Conceição Grazielle Teixeira Frederico, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Nurse, Master's student in Health Education: Interdisciplinary Teacher Training for SUS (EEAAC/UFF). Specialist in Oncology from UERJ. Member of the INCA Research Center (NAPE) of the National Cancer Institute and Member of the Philosophy, Health and Humanized Education Research Center of the Fluminense Federal University.

Rose Mary Costa Rosa Andrade Silva, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Full Professor at UFF. Phenomenologist Doctor and Post-Doctor in Philosophy (UERJ/IFCH); PhD in Social Psychology (UERJ/IFCH) and PhD in Nursing (UFRJ/EEAN). Master in Philosophy (UERJ/IFCH), Master in Nursing (UFRJ/EEAN); specialist in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy (UERJ/IFCH) with a monograph entitled: "The Concept of the Body in Merleau-Ponty"; specialist in Psychoanalysis and Mental Health with emphasis on Freud and Lacan studies (UERJ/IFCH). He is a specialist in new nursing teaching methodologies (UFRJ/EEAN). Bachelor of Nursing (UFF), Bachelor of Psychology (UCL), Bachelor of Philosophy (UFRJ/IFCS) and Bachelor of Philosophy (IFCS/UFRJ). Foreign Distinguished Professor of the Program in Nursing Sciences of the School of Posgrado of the National University of Trujillo/Perú (UNT). Honorary Professor at the National University of Tumbes/Perú. International conference. (UNTUMBES). It has the following link on Researchgate: He has experience in international curricular consultancy at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Works in institutional evaluation. She is a member of the Curriculum Analysis Work Group at the Fluminense Federal University School of Nursing. He was a member of the Unit Collegiate of the School of Nursing at UFF. He is part of the Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Educacion en Enfermería (RIIEE). She was Vice-coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Health Education at UFF/MPES (2014-2019) which has the lines of research Pedagogical training in health and Permanent Education in the Unified Health System. She works in partnership with Laboratoire EMA "École, Mutations , Apprentissages" from the Université de Cergy-Pontoise together with the Master's Program in Teaching in Health: MPES/UFF. Participation in the International Seminar "La formation en santé" in France-Cergy. Professor of the Doctoral Program in Health Care Sciences at UFF. Interested in: professional training in education and the field of health. As a professor at the Federal University Fluminense coordinates an extension project that serves pacified and non-pacified communities in the State of Rio de Janeiro.He is leader of the Research Group "Philosophy and Health" (UERJ-UFF).Leader of the Philosophy, Health and Humanized Education Research Group at UFF. She is a member of the Humaniza SUS Network of the Ministry of Health. She is a professor and vice-coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Professional Master's Degree in Education and Health (MPES) at UFF and professor of the Doctorate and Academic Master's Degree in Health Care Sciences (PACCS). Professional Master's Degree in Nursing Care at UFF (MPEA) Coordinates the Specialization Course in Psychosomatics and Transdisciplinary Body Care and also coordinates the ipline of this course entitled "Philosophy and Health" since 2004. She worked in the Postgraduate Program at UFF in the Residency courses in Collective Health coordinating the discipline Social Sciences, Collective Health and Nursing and teaches in the Specialization in Geriatrics and Gerontology in Nursing. He has experience in the area of ​​health and education in human groups, with an emphasis on adult and elderly health, working mainly on the following topics: Humanization in health, public policies, health and education, thanatology, death and dying, education, philosophy and health , quality of life, psychosomatics and health promotion and phenomenology. Participates as an ad-hoc reviewer and/or member of the editorial board of scientific journals in the areas of Nursing and Public Health such as História, Ciências, Saúde, Manguinhos da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz and Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, UFPe REEUSP and Revista da EEAN/UFRJ and COGITARE NURSING. He coordinates the discipline of Human and Social Sciences in Health at UFF/EEAAC since 2003. He works in psychoanalysis and in the field of aesthetics as a human experience.

Eliane Ramos Pereira, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Full Professor at the Fluminense Federal University - EEAAC/UFF. Post-Doctor at UERJ. Doctor in Nursing (UFRJ). Professor of the Professional Master's Graduate Program in Nursing Care MPEA (UFF). Professor of Doctorate and Masters of the Academic Postgraduate Program in Health Care Sciences - PACCS (UFF). Collaborating Professor of the Postgraduate Master's Program in Health Education MPES/UFF. Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Postgraduate Program at the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT), Peru. External Collaborating Teacher at the Escuela Internacional de Postgrado en Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Granada (UGR), Spain. Honorary Professor at the National University of Tumbes/Perú (UNTUMBES). She was the coordinator of the MPEA Professional Master's Graduate Program in Assistance Nursing (UFF) management 2015-2018. Bachelor in Nursing (UFF) and in Psychology (FAMATH). He has experience in international curriculum consultancy at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Leader of the Center for Qualitative Translational Studies on Emotions and Spirituality in Health/ QUALITEES/ CNPq. Vice-Leader of the Research Center in Philosophy, Health and Humanized Education/FSEH. He is part of the Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Educacion en Enfermería (RIIEE). Vice-coordinator and Professor of the Specialization Course in Psychosomatics and Transdisciplinary Body Care. Professor of the Undergraduate Courses in Nursing and Licentiate of EEAAC and of Graduation in Physical Education and Licentiate of UFF. Master in Nursing/UNIRIO. Specialist in Psychoanalysis and Mental Health from UERJ. Specialization in Occupational Nursing/UERJ; Higher Education Methodology/UFF; Nursing Care Methodology/UFF; Teaching Methodology for Research and Nursing Care/UNIRIO. Invited Professor of the Graduate Program in Nursing at EEAN/UFRJ, on Phenomenology. He develops studies with an emphasis on Human Care, Emotional Care, Spirituality/Spiritual Care, Meaning of Life, Aging, Thanatology, SAE, Qualitative Research, Professional Training for Nurses and the field of Health, using the theoretical framework of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology, and Social Representations. He is a participant in the HumanizaSUS Network of the Ministry of Health. At the undergraduate level, he teaches and coordinates the Disciplines: Spirituality in the field of health; First Aid in Emergency Situations, from the Physical Education Undergraduate Course; is vice-coordinator of the Curricular Internship at MEM. He coordinates the Extension Projects/UFF: Educating Communities: the health of human groups, in which he works with education for emotional health and disease prevention, with adolescents, adults and the elderly; and, Socorro bem Presente, linked to First Aid educational actions. Member of the Scientific Editorial Board of the Journals: OBJN, Conscientiae Saúde, Rev. Enfermagem at UFPE and Manual Therapy. Ad Hoc Consultant for REBEn Magazines, ACTA Paulista de Enferm., Rev Cubana de Enfermería; Advances in Nursing and others. Member of Soc. Bras. of Neuroscience and Behavior. Member of the Association of Nurse in AIDS Care. Researcher at the Center for Studies and Research in Subjectivities and Body Care in Health/UFF; and Health Promotion and Nursing Care Practices and Health of Population Groups/UERJ. Coordinates Research Project: Contemporary Perspectives of Care in Health Processes and Coping with Disease (PROPP/UFF).

Alex Sandro de Azeredo Siqueira, Instituto Nacional do Câncer

He holds a PhD in Academic Program in Health Care Sciences - PACCS from the Fluminense Federal University (2022) and a professional master's degree in Professional Master's in Nursing Care - MPEA from the Fluminense Federal University (2018). He is currently Science and Technology - Nurse (HC-IV) at the National Cancer Institute, Member of the INCA Research Center (NAPE) of the National Cancer Institute and Member of the Research Center - NUPECS of the Fluminense Federal University. She has experience in Nursing, with emphasis on Oncology Nursing. Acting mainly on the following topics: Nurse, Psychological stress, Palliative Care.

Eliane Cristina da Silva Pinto Carneiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Postdoctoral fellow at the Academic Program in Health Care Sciences at UFF. Degree in MEDICINE from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2002), degree in MEDICINE from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1999), degree in MEDICINE from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2001) and PhD in Care Sciences in Health from the Aurora Afonso Costa Nursing School (2021). She is currently a mastologist at the National Cancer Institute and an obstetrician and sonographer at HOSPITAL MATERNIDADE ALEXSANDER FLEMING. , working mainly on the following topics: family, health, psycho-oncology, philosophy in nursing and cancer. She is currently a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Macaé campus.

Janaína Mengal Gomes Fabri, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Doutora do Programa Acadêmico em Ciências do Cuidado em Saúde da UFF. Mestre em Enfermagem pela Esc. de Enfermagem Anna Nery (UFRJ), linha de enfermagem hospitalar, saúde mental (2012). Especialista em Ambiente Organizacional, Meio Ambiente e Ergonomia (2011). Especialista em Enfermagem do Trabalho - Universidade Gama Filho (2007) Graduada em Enfermagem pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2004). Professora Assistente do Departamento de Enfermagem Médico Cirúrgica da Faculdade de Enfermagem/UERJ na Subárea de Saúde Mental. Membro do Colegiado de Gestão do Programa de Extensão do Conhecimento e Práticas Criativas em Saúde. Coordenadora do Projeto de Extensão para Cuidadores Itinerantes: Relaxamento da Mente e do Corpo. Assessora da Divisão de Enfermagem do Instituto Nacional de Traumatologia e Ortopedia Jamil Haddad.

Regina Alves Pereira, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Master's Student in Health Education: Interdisciplinary Teacher Training for SUS (EEAAC/UFF). Postgraduate at Universidade Veiga de Almeida – UVA (2013), graduation in Nursing from UNIGRANRIO. Experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on palliative oncology nursing.

Emmanuel Martins Fernandes , Universidade Federal Fluminense

Nurse. Master's Student in Health Education: Interdisciplinary Teacher Training for SUS (EEAAC/UFF). Specialist in Infection Control in Health Care (EEAAC/UFF). Specialist in Clinical Nursing (Facenf/UERJ). Specialist in Public Health Management (FOP/Unicamp). Specialist in Public Health (UCAM). Specialist in Higher Education Teaching and Psychomotricity (UCAM). Postgraduate student in Cardiology Nursing (Unesa). Postgraduate student in Nursing Process Teaching (PUCPR/ABEN)


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How to Cite

FREDERICO, C. G. T.; SILVA, R. M. C. R. A. .; PEREIRA, E. R. .; SIQUEIRA, A. S. de A. .; CARNEIRO, E. C. da S. P. .; FABRI, J. M. G.; PEREIRA, R. A. .; FERNANDES , E. M. . The perception of multi-professional residents facing palliative oncological sedation. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 10, p. e69111032377, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i10.32377. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences