Evaluation of the effectiveness of Continuous Infusion Pump (CIP) in pain control in the recovery period after thoracic surgery





Thoracotomy; Pain; Anesthesia, epidural; Infusion Pumps.


Objective: to verify the effectiveness of epidural block in a continuous infusion pump (BIC), without pain control in the postoperative period of thoracic surgery. Methodology: cross-sectional study, using a database carried out at the Center for Oncological Research (CEPON), in patients undergoing thoracic surgery from 2018 to 2020, in patients undergoing a thoracotomy. For data analysis, the IBM Statististicsl Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS®) 18.0 program was used, in the descriptive analysis of the dependent variable Visual Analog Scale of Pain and Length of Stay in the ICU, using the Mann-Whitney U Test . Quantitative data generated by measures of central tendency (average) and their variability/dispersion and qualitative measures in the form of simple and relative frequencies. Study approved by the research ethics committee. Results: in this series, they were due to 35 patients who underwent thoracic surgery, the most prevalent male (57.1%), mean age 56.63 and mean ICU length of 2.78. The most frequent surgery for lobectomy (51.7%). The Mann-Whitney U Test leaves group 1 reporting less pain than group 2 at POi (p = 0.035). an average length of stay in the ICU was observed for patients in group 1 (3.67 ± 1.63). Conclusion: the study, the use of epidural block in BIC with superior efficacy in controlling postoperative pain in the sample undergoing thoracic surgery at CEPON, also observed a longer length of stay in the ICU of patients who used this anesthetic modality.

Author Biographies

Mayra Mejía Suárez, Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas

MD, Médica Anestesiologista

Fabiana Oenning da Gama, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Brasil

Professora do Curso de Medicina UNISUL Pedra Branca, Enfermeira pós-graduada em Emergência e Terapia Intensiva

Vinicius Heurich, Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas

MD, Médico Anestesiologista


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How to Cite

COSTANZO, F. D. .; MACHADO, B. V. S. .; ZANCHET, M.; SUÁREZ, M. M. .; GAMA, F. O. da .; HEURICH, V. Evaluation of the effectiveness of Continuous Infusion Pump (CIP) in pain control in the recovery period after thoracic surgery. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 13, p. e412111335727, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i13.35727. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/35727. Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.



Review Article