The experience of Family members regarding participation in virtual visits to patients hospitalized in the ICU-COVID during the pandemic




COVID-19; Intensive care units; Humanization of assistance.


Objective: To analyze the experience of family members who performed a virtual visit (VV) to patients admitted to the COVID ICU at Hospital Sírio Libanês, during the pandemic. Method: Descriptive and exploratory cross-sectional study, which used a semi-structured interview designed for this purpose. The multiple-choice questions were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the open question using the Discourse of the Collective Subject (DSC) method, which works with the analysis of empirical data of a verbal nature to configure a collective subject with a social discourse. Results and discussion: The study population consisted mostly of young adults (89.47%) male (77.60%), with higher education (65.78%), connected to the city of São Paulo (63%), who had never had participated in VV (93.42%). They considered the visit time satisfactory (88.15%) and the performance extremely important (78.94%), feeling better emotionally after the performance (92.1%). The themes identified in the experience report were categorized as: alternative to the restriction of visits, fear of contamination and distance, resource for emotional coping and grief support, family participation in the care and help in the recovery of the patient, presence of anxiety due to breach of expectations about the functioning of the visit, alternative to approaching intubated patients, for farewell and guidance by psychologists providing care and reception. Conclusion: The experience with VV was considered successful, being a resource for approaching the family, which can be extended to occasions beyond the pandemic. It is suggested to expand discussions on best practices in SV, including aspects related to safety and autonomy.

Author Biographies

Juliana dos Santos Batista, Hospital Sírio - Libanês

Psicóloga do Hospital Sírio - Libanês

Mayara Yasmim Borges Bastos, Hospital Sírio - Libanês

Psicóloga Hospital Sírio - Libanês

Thamires Palma, Hospital Municipal da Vila Santa Catarina

Psicóloga do Hospital Municipal da Vila Santa Catarina

Daniela Aceti, Hospital Sírio - Libanês

Psicóloga do Hospital Sírio - Libanês


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How to Cite

BATISTA, J. dos S. .; BASTOS, M. Y. B. .; PALMA, T.; ACETI, D. The experience of Family members regarding participation in virtual visits to patients hospitalized in the ICU-COVID during the pandemic. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. e14612240082, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i2.40082. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.



Human and Social Sciences