Fighting visceral leishmaniasis using innovative technology: Construction of an educational game based on action research




Coping; Visceral Leishmaniasis; Search; Action.


Objective: To develop and evaluate a game about the control of Leishmaniasis, based on action research, as one of the coping strategies for this zoonosis. Methodology: it was based on the fundamentals of participatory action-research, which considers fundamental the participation of the subjects involved both in the knowledge production process and in decision-making. The first step was to hold a conversation circle with the students and their teachers to discuss the most popular games among them and the gathering of prior knowledge along with a theoretical presentation on the subject with students from the municipal school of basic education in the city de Girau do Ponciano-AL, where the knowledge before and after presentation of the theme among students about Visceral Leishmaniasis was analyzed. Results: Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the theoretical and methodological foundation of action research was used, namely, detection of the problem, interaction, monitoring of decisions and actions; problem solving; level of awareness to plan and apply a participatory educational intervention using a game for students from other schools. Conclusion: This research addressed the problem of Zoonoses, with emphasis on Leishmaniasis in a more contextualized and fun way through an educational game, to draw the attention of students and thus motivate them to be agents of multiplication of this knowledge in their Community.


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA, E. I. A. de .; SILVA, E. da .; ARAUJO, M. G. S. .; SILVA, Y. K. C. da .; SILVA , D. C. de O. L. da . Fighting visceral leishmaniasis using innovative technology: Construction of an educational game based on action research . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 8, p. e3312842880, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i8.42880. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences