Dimensions of a theoretical model of entrepreneurial university





Entrepreneurial university; Academic entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship indicators.


In recent years, studies at the Entrepreneurial University (EU) have represented a great research opportunity, seeking its characterization and development. The concepts and elements point to a multilevel phenomenon that involves the participation of a comprehensive set of actors and variables at the systemic, organizational, and individual levels. Given the interrelationship of the elements that make up the EU, the overall objective of this research was to analyze the dimensions that involve the EU as a whole, aiming to provide a holistic view of the phenomenon. With that in mind, a theoretical EU model associated with the indicators of the EU Ranking, organized by the Brazilian Confederation of Junior Enterprises, was applied to analyze the following dimensions: entrepreneurial culture, infrastructure, innovation, extension, internationalization, and financial capital in the context of a ty Brazilian public federal university. The research was qualitative, and exploratory and entailed a single case study. The results showed that the faculty and students are proactive.  However, the university still needs to increase the offer of curricular units and training programs that support and develop its entrepreneurial culture. The need to implement formal environments that specifically support entrepreneurship and consolidate its innovation policy was also identified. These data will enable managers to identify potential areas for the development of academic entrepreneurship, as well as  encourage other universities to likewise engage in data collection.

Author Biographies

Soraia Aparecida Alves, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei

Graduated in Accounting Sciences from the Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Accounting Sciences - Divinópolis (1995). Master's in Intellectual Property - PROFNIT - UFSJ (2021). Has experience in IT, personnel and financial departments and in the area of ​​administration with an emphasis on public administration. Federal public servant at the Federal University of São João Del Rei.

Paulo Afonso Granjeiro, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei

Associate Professor IV at the Central West Campus of the Federal University of São João del-Rei, in Divinópolis-MG. Professor of Enzymology and Practices in Analytical Biochemistry for the Biochemistry and Enzymology and Metabolism course for the Pharmacy course at UFSJ. In Research, he develops projects in the areas a) Purification and characterization of plant proteins to determine their biological activities, such as antimicrobial, edematogenic, antihemorrhagic and antitumor. b) Production, purification and characterization of biosurfactants for application in human health. c) Application of polymers as anti-biofilm adhesion agents in medical devices (titanium, PVC, silicone, hospital paints). d) Prospecting and optimizing probiotic production processes and their applications in the production sector e) Science, technology and Innovation. Coordinator of the undergraduate Pharmacy course at UNIPINHAL from 2002 to 2008; of the bachelor's degree in Biochemistry at UFSJ from 2009 to 2012 and Local Coordinator of the Multicenter Postgraduate Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at UFSJ from 2013 to 2014. Collaborator in the Multicenter Postgraduate Programs in (i) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ii ) Biotechnology (iii) Professional Master's Degree in Technological Innovation and Intellectual Property (UFMG) and (iv) PROFNIT. He has a degree in Pharmacy from UNESP in Araraquara-SP (1996), a Master's and Doctorate in Functional and Molecular Biology in the area of ​​Biochemistry from UNICAMP (1998 and 2001). He completed a Senior Internship (CAPES) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Visiting Scientist - MIT/USA) in the area of ​​Biomaterials. Experience in Startup acceleration programs (BioStartup Lab, FIEMG Lab, InovAtiva Brasil, FIEMG LAB Acelera Masters and Doctorate and Hospital Startup), Agita Divinópolis, Belo Horizonte City Hall/Biominas Brasil and ESCALESE (INCT Midas/UFMG). Co-founder of Startups Pulsus Sensores, ProbioCau/ProbioFull, Arabutã and Innsumo. Consultant for academic startups and spin offs. Lecturer and workshops on entrepreneurship and innovation. Professor member of the VUEI Program (University Experience in Entrepreneurship and Innovation) of the Secretariat of Economic Development of the State of Minas Gerais (2021). External collaborator at the Center for Technology and Innovation, CT-Nanobiomaterias UFMGCoordinator of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation (NETEC) and the Business Incubator (INDETEC) at UFSJ. Coordinator of the Academic League of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at UFSJ/CCO. Tutor at the Junior Beta Tech Company for the Biochemistry and Pharmacy courses at the CCO at UFSJ (2020/2021). CNPq Extension Scholarship - Advisor of the SEBRAE/CNPq Local Innovation Agents Program (ALI) 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. Holder of the Brazilian Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences/National Academy of Pharmacy. Coordinator of the FAPEMIG Public Policy Chamber (2022/2023).

Alexsandro Sobreira Galdino, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei

He has a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Ceará (2000), a master's degree in Biochemistry from the Federal University of Ceará (2002), a doctorate in Molecular Biology from the University of Brasília (2008) and a post-doctorate from the University of Brasília (2010) with area of ​​Applied Immunology. He has specializations in Biotechnology (2016), Technological Innovation (2019) and Intellectual Property (2020). He has experience in the area of ​​Molecular Biology with an emphasis on Molecular Genetics of Microorganisms, working mainly on the following topics: heterologous expression in bacteria and yeasts for the production of industrial enzymes and production of recombinant antigens for the development of immunodiagnostic kits for human and animal health . He is currently Associate Professor level III at the Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ). He was one of the founders and coordinates the Technological Innovation & Entrepreneurship Group at the Federal University of São João Del-Rei on the Divinópolis Campus (GRITE). He is currently a DT level 1D productivity fellow from CNPq. It has international collaboration with the following collaborators: Limerick Institute of Technology (Ireland, LIT, Prof. Dr Patrick Murray), Universidad de los Andes (Colombia, prof. Dr. Diego Javier Jiménez Avella), , Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria (Miguel Angel Chávez Fumagalli), Center for Health and Disease Studies (Nepal, Prof. Prof. Bijay Bajracharya and Newcasttle University (Prof. Dr. Alessandra Silva Dantas). Collaborates on Technological Innovation projects with the following national diagnostic companies Bioclin, Biocon, Biotecnica, In Vitro Diagnóstica, Vida Biotecnologia and Vyttra Diagnósticos aiming to develop national immunodiagnostic kits for human and animal health. It collaborates with the national company Scienco Biotech for the development of national inputs. It has a partnership with the company Divus Cervejaria Artesanal to develop yeast for the manufacture of new beer labels. It collaborates with the company YEVA cosmetiques to develop vegan products for the cosmetics industry. .In 2017, he created and coordinates the Biotechnology Research Network (RePBIOTEC). Participated in the Empreenda em Ação Program at UFSJ, which aims to create innovative projects with undergraduate and postgraduate students aiming to form competitive teams to create Startups. In 2017 and 2019, he founded the Startups Chimera Diagnosticos - Saúde Humana e Animal and Leishcare with the aim of producing more sensitive/specific national antigens for the diagnosis of negligible and emerging diseases. The professor is a member of the permanent nucleus of the following Postgraduate programs: Biotechnology (UFSJ/Masters and Doctorate), Multicenter in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (UFSJ/Masters/Doctorate) and PROFNIT - Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Transfer of Technology. He collaborates in Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) at Startups Lavigne Diagnósticos, Herbio, Healh Solutions, VetSolutions and Renovzymes. Represents UFSJ in the area of ​​Biotechnology in the Local Innovation Ecosystem of Divinópolis/MG - INOVA NOVO OESTE. He was a mentor for Startups in Life Sciences of the MOVAP project (Movimento Emprendedor do Vale do Rio Pará) and INDETEC (Incubator for Technological Development and Traditional Sectors of Campo das Vertentes) at UFSJ. He is a collaborator of the Academic League of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (LAEMI) at UFSJ/CCO and also a guiding professor at the Academic League of Microbiology (LAMIC). He founded the Academic Biotechnology League (LABIOTEC) and is the coordinating professor. He is a member of the editorial board of several national and international journals as well as a reviewer for these journals. He is also an Adhoc consultant for the following funding agencies CNPq, CAPES, FACEPE.


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How to Cite

ALVES, S. A.; GRANJEIRO, P. A.; GALDINO, A. S. . Dimensions of a theoretical model of entrepreneurial university. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 12, p. e24121243915, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i12.43915. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/43915. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



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