Psychological resilience processes in children: contributions from different theoretical perspectives




Resilience; Children; Psychology; Education; Teaching.


This article aims to report the manifestation of psychological resilience processes in children, with emphasis on the factors that favour them, in different theoretical perspectives. To this end, a qualitative bibliographic research was carried out, based on a narrative review of the literature, which includes the presentation of some of the main theoretical approaches to the theme. It has come to the understanding that psychological resilience manifests itself as a dynamic, interactive, integral and bidirectional process that acts in the face of adverse conditions experienced by the individual, which may or may not be sufficient as a protective factor against psychological damage. It is concluded that the bases for the potential manifestation of psychological resilience are built, primarily, in childhood. One of the factors that favour the manifestation of child resilience processes is positive parenting practices, as these are responsible for contributing to children’s emotional and behavioural regulation ability, as well as for the formation of a positive and coherent sense about themselves. The quality of early interactions between the child and their primary caregivers is fundamental for the performance of intersubjective processes that are essential for a solid and flexible structuring of the ego.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Bloedow da Silveira, Universidade Franciscana

Undergraduate student in psychology at the Franciscan University (UFN). Performs scientific research in the areas of Human Development Psychology, Perinatal Psychology and Maternal-Child Health. He is general monitor of the Centre for Studies and Research on Perinatality, Parenting and Early Childhood - NEPPRI. Graduated in Advanced General English (CEFR C1) in Australia.

Cristina Saling Kruel, Universidade Franciscana

Psychologist, Specialist in Psychomotricity by the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC) and also Specialist in Clinical Psychology - Childhood and Family by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Master’s degree in psychology also by UFRGS. PhD in Human Communication Disorders by the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). She is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Undergraduate courses of Psychology and Nursing and in the Professional Master's in Maternal and Child Health at the Franciscan University (UFN). In addition, she coordinates the Centre for Studies and Research on Perinatality, Parenting and Early Childhood (NEPPRI).


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How to Cite

SILVEIRA, G. B. da; KRUEL, C. S. Psychological resilience processes in children: contributions from different theoretical perspectives. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e46985284, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.5284. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.



Human and Social Sciences