Physical activity level and health risk behavior of Physical Education students




Physical activity; Risk behaviors; Cheers; Physical Education.


This study aims to verify the level of physical activity and health risk behaviors of students of the Physical Education course of a public university in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from a descriptive exploratory study of a quantitative character. The International IPAQ questionnaire was used to assess the level of physical activity and the Global School-based Student Health Survey questionnaire for health risk behaviors. It was found that 75% of students perform physical activities beneficial to health with intensity and duration. Among the variables, there was a significant association between the consumption of drink alcohol and tobacco consumption (p = 0.009), between self-perceived health and consumption of drink alcohol (p = 0.019) and smoking consumption (p = 0.025), one positive linear trend between the use of illicit drugs and the semester attended (p = 0.048) and, a negative linear trend between the semester attended and the consumption of fruits/vegetables (p = 0.043). It was concluded that most of those surveyed perform physical activities habitually, but maintain an inadequate diet, drink alcohol, use tobacco and, a small percentage, use illicit drugs frequently. Despite having health risk behavior, they are aware of the harmful effects of these behaviors.

Author Biographies

Ismael Jung Sanchotene, Federal University of Pampa- Unipampa

Student in doctorate degree  PPG Science Education: Life Chemistry and Health at Universidade Federal do Pampa - UNIPAMPA; Master in Physical Education from UFSM - Federal University of Santa Maria. Bachelor and Bachelor of Physical Education - Urcamp. Specialization in School Management (2008), Universidade Norte do Paraná (UNOPAR); in Health Sciences (2013) and Physical Activity and Health (2018) by the Federal University of Pampa - Unipampa. He was Sport Director of the Municipality of Uruguaiana -RS, effective municipal public servant. Experience in distance and semi-distance higher education, and in elementary education and, in public policies in sport since 2006, in the implementation and capture of public resources in the municipal spheres. , state and federal through projects and programs and incentive programs.

Laura Mendes Rodrigues Fumagalli, Federal University of Pampa- Unipampa

Degree in Physical Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of RS (2008), Specialist in Physical Education from the University of Northern Paraná, (2017), Master in Science Education: Life Chemistry and Health, from the Federal University of Pampa- Unipampa (2019 ) and PhD student of the Graduate Program in Science Education: Life Chemistry and Health, Federal University of Pampa-Unipampa (2019/2). Initial performance at the Psychosocial Care Center-CAPS (2006 to 2008), in the Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Non-Communicable Diseases Project - DANTs (2009 to 2014) and Greater Community Center (2010 to 2014). Nominated for the municipal (2011) and state (2014) in basic education as a physical education teacher in the final years of elementary and high school. Member of the Study Group on Physical Education and Sports - GEEFE, of the Study and Research Group in Internship and Teacher Training - GEPEF. He is interested in the areas of Physical Education, Health, Health Education, Active Methodologies and Teacher Training.

Veronica de Carvalho Vargas, Federal University of Pampa- Unipampa

Graduated in Physical Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1994), Specialization in: Physical Education at school (2017), Master's student in the Graduate Program in Science Education: Chemistry of Life and Health. He is currently a member of groups : Study Group on Physical Education and Sports - GEEFE acting mainly on the following themes: nutritional assessment, physical activity, physical and physical education and Group of studies and research in Internship and Teacher Training GEPEF. Document from the Municipal and State Education Network.


Phillip Vilanova Ilha, Federal University of Pampa- Unipampa

Graduated in Physical Education (2000), specialization in Human Movement Science (2003), specialization in Media in Education (2004), Master in Education in Sciences: Chemistry of Life and Health (2013) and PhD in Education in Sciences: Chemistry da Vida e Saúde (2016), all from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). He is currently a professor of higher education at the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) and a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Science Education: Life Chemistry and Health at Unipampa. Physical Education and Teaching Area, acting mainly on the following themes: Pedagogical practices in school physical education; Methodology and teaching of sports learning; Learning projects; Teacher training, Physical activity and health promotion.


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How to Cite

SANCHOTENE, I. J.; FUMAGALLI, L. M. R.; VARGAS, V. de C.; ILHA, P. V. Physical activity level and health risk behavior of Physical Education students. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e233985693, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.5693. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences