The use of garlic extract as herbal medicine in the control of hypertension: an integrative review




Pathology; Allium; Therapeutics.


Garlic acts on hypertension in several ways, first, exerting a dilating effect, both by the release of nitric oxide and by the increase in available adenosine, thus contributing to the hypotensive mechanism, and garlic can be considered a strong ally in the treatment of this pathology, the study had as a problem “effectiveness of using garlic extract as herbal medicine in controlling hypertension according to the literature?”. Where the objective was to verify in the available scientific productions the effects of garlic extract in hypertensive individuals. The present study is a bibliographic search of the type Integrative Review (IR) of the literature, the PubMed databases were consulted through descriptors and keywords, BVS, coordinated by BIREME and composed of bibliographic databases produced by the BVS Network, such as LILACS, in addition to the Medline database and CINAHL. At the end, eight (8) articles answered the guiding question and were added to the study and highlighted the use of garlic in clinical practice, the benefits of using garlic as a complementary therapy in the treatment of hypertension and within the diet, in addition to the main side effects. It was concluded that increasing the intake of allium vegetables may be associated with a reduction in triglycerides and creatinine clearance, which provides an improvement in renal function and a decrease in blood pressure.


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How to Cite

SILVA, C. O. da; SILVA, W. C. da; MELO, K. C. .; SOARES, A. N. .; HERNANDES, L. F. .; SILVA, R. A. da; NASCIMENTO, I. B. R. do; CHAVES, J. O. .; SOUSA, F. das C. A.; SILVA, A. K. B. da; SILVA, I. P. da; ARAÚJO, C. V. .; ALVES, A. da S.; CORRÊA, R. G. R. . The use of garlic extract as herbal medicine in the control of hypertension: an integrative review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. e7610212024, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i2.12024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Review Article