Eco-intrapreneur: Social sustainability and the re-meaning of organizational behavior




Intrapreneurship; Social Sustainability; Organizational behavior.


Entrepreneurial behavior in employees (intrapreneurship) is increasingly becoming a differential for dynamic development in organizations. The presence of social sustainability within organizations, whether in its promotion or application, combined with individualist and self-centered intrapreneurial behavior, causes losses, disaffections and incompatibility with the purposes of companies inherent to the objectives of sustainable development. The present study aims to analyze, discuss and propose a model for identifying the behavior of the self-centered intrapreneur, as well as a model for the identification and maintenance of the eco-intrapreneur collaborator (eco-intrapreneur) in Brazilian organizations from the perspective of individual resignification. . As for the methodological procedures, the research is bibliographic and descriptive with a qualitative approach. Preliminarily with respect to the results of this study, it appears that the self-centeredness of the intrapreneur leads to negative results. However, through the model of identification and maintenance of the eco-intrapreneurial employee that resignifies organizational demands, it is possible for the organization to anticipate itself, avoiding negative results and adapting strategies.


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How to Cite

GALVÃO, C. R.; CÍRICO JUNIOR, A. . Eco-intrapreneur: Social sustainability and the re-meaning of organizational behavior . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 5, p. e10110514850, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i5.14850. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences