The risk of vegan diets at gestational and pediatric age: hypotheses, evidence and recommendations




Pediatrics; Veganism; Malnutrition; B12 vitamin; Ferro.


Introduction: Omnivorous food is of paramount importance for the development of children, especially up to nine years of age, since it is through supplements present in animal articles, mostly, that they develop the infant's cognitive, motor, sensitive and linguistic abilities. Thus, a restrictive diet can compromise the child's natural development, due to caloric-protein deficiency, signaled through fatigue, lack of concentration, memory failure, hallucinations, jaundice and reduced cognitive abilities, deficiencies. Objective: To review the current bibliography, the most relevant and available online, on hypothetical and empirical risks, as well as recommendations for vegetarian diets in gestational and pediatric ages. Methods: This is a descriptive research of the integrative literature review type. Results: Children who maintain a diet restricted to veganism are at greater risk of physiological deficits. From this perspective, there must be a balance in the supply of nutrients, taking into account the child's developmental state, to ensure a harmonious growth and development. Conclusion: When choosing to insert a child, even in the first years of life, on a vegetarian or vegan diet, the pediatrician's job is to respect and advise the family, warning of its risks. For this, periodic consultation with the pediatrician and nutritionist is eminently necessary.


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How to Cite

SILVA, C. D.; FIGUEIREDO, B. Q. de .; SOUTO, B. O. V.; ARAÚJO, A. P. F.; COURY, B. F.; BOMFIM, K. C. N.; SOUSA, K. K. de .; MIRANDA, L. D.; GAIA, M. G. G.; FERNANDES, S. R.; OLIVEIRA, R. C. The risk of vegan diets at gestational and pediatric age: hypotheses, evidence and recommendations. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e442101019105, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.19105. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.



Health Sciences