Paraconsistent annotated logic applied to industry assets condition monitoring and failure prevention based on vibration signatures




Paraconsistent annotated logic; Maintenance; Preventive; Corrective; Assets; Artificial intelligence; Industry 4.0.


In this study, we introduced an expert system (ESvbrPAL2v), responsible for monitoring assets based on vibration signature analysis through a set of algorithms based on the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic – PAL. Being a non-classical logic, the main feature of the PAL is to support contradictory inputs in its foundation. It is therefore suitable for building algorithmic models capable of performing out appropriate treatment for complex signals, such as those coming from vibration. The ESvbrPAL2v was built on an ATMega2560 microcontroller, where vibration signals were captured from the mechanical structures of the machines by sensors and, after receiving special treatment through the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), then properly modeled to paraconsistent logic signals and vibration patterns. Using the PAL fundamentals, vibration signature patterns were built for possible and known vibration issues stored in ESvbrPAL2v and continuously compared through configurations composed by a network of paraconsistent algorithms that detects anomalies and generate signals that will report on the current risk status of the machine in real time. The tests to confirm the efficiency of ESvbrPAL2v were performed in analyses initially carried out on small prototypes and, after the initial adjustments, tests were carried out on bearings of a group of medium-power motor generators built specifically for this study. The results are shown at the end of this study and have a high index of signature identification and risk of failure detection. These results justifies the method used and future applications considering that ESvbrPAL2v is still in its first version.


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How to Cite

CORRÊA, M. P. .; MACHADO, A. C. .; SILVA FILHO, J. I. da .; GARCIA, D. V. .; MARIO, M. C. .; SEDANO, C. T. S. . Paraconsistent annotated logic applied to industry assets condition monitoring and failure prevention based on vibration signatures. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. e14211125104, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i1.25104. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.


