Transient renal blood obliteration as an alternative to the study of renal ischemia-reperfusion syndrome in an animal model




Cathets; Nephropathy; Ischemia-reperfusion; Animal model.


The work aims at evaluating the viability of the transient renal blood obliteration method as an alternative to the study of renal CRS in Tayassu tajacu, considering the probable morphological and physiological similarity of this species to humans, since it presents phylogenetic proximity with domestic swine. Eight animals were used, which were submitted to a surgical procedure to induce ischemic nephropathy by clamping the renal vessels with vascular clamp for 60 minutes. Samples were collected for serum urea, creatinine and urinary protein / creatinine ratio (UPC), in addition to renal ultrasonographic evaluation, both before induction and on the 10th and 20th postoperative days, and collection of material for histopathological examination. The results showed a difference in the renal resistivity levels between the evaluated moments, an increase of renal echogenicity with loss of the cortico-spinal relation and presence of discrete glomerular alterations and several tubulointerstitial alterations in the histopathological analysis. It was concluded that the catheter is a good experimental model for studies of induced ischemic nephropathies, but it is necessary to standardize its renal, serological and urinary biochemical parameters in the same nutritional regimen, given the great variability of such data within the species.

Author Biographies

Matheus Levi Tajra Feitosa, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão

Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the State University of Maranhão - UEMA (2006), Master of Science from the University of São Paulo - USP (2008) and Doctorate in Sciences from USP (2011). In the master's degree, he worked with an animal model of osteonecrosis of the femoral head in sheep and cell therapy in established lesions. In the doctorate, he worked with chronic spinal cord injury in dogs and cell therapy with stem cells from human dental pulp. He has experience in conventional and unconventional animal models, veterinary anesthesiology, general and orthopedic veterinary surgery, neuroanatomy and veterinary neurosurgery. He also has extensive experience in cell culture and cell therapy. He is a researcher in the field of cell therapy and stem cells in the therapy of neurological disorders. He is currently a professor of Descriptive Anatomy and Veterinary Surgical Clinic (UEMA). Professor at the Graduate Program in Animal Science at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA).

Lucilene dos Santos Silva, Universidade Federal do Piauí

Veterinary Doctor graduated from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). Has a Veterinary Medical Residency in the area of ​​Animal Pathology (UFPI), master's and doctorate in Animal Science, area of ​​concentration: Animal Health and Reproduction (UFPI). Post-doctorate in Animal Science (PNPD/CAPES/UFPI) in the area of ​​Cell Therapy. He has experience in Veterinary Medicine, with emphasis on Animal Pathology and Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Adjunct professor of the Veterinary Medicine course at UFPI, Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas, Bom Jesus, in the areas of Veterinary Clinical Pathology and Biophysics.

Maria Acelina Martins de Carvalho, Universidade Federal do Piauí

Veterinary Doctor, Doctor in Veterinary Medicine - Anatomy of Domestic Animals (USP FMVZ - 1995), Internship in Morphology at the Medical College of Ohio, USA. Full Professor at the Department of Veterinary Morphophysiology at UFPI (1978-2020). Currently retired, she is part of the Senior Professor Program - PROSÊNIOR at UFPI, as a Senior Professor, linked to the Graduate Program in Technologies Applied to Animals of Regional Interest (PPGTAIR) CCA-UFPI. Master's and doctoral advisor at PPGTAIR-UFPI and PPG in Biotechnology (PPGB) of the Northeast Biotechnology Network - RENORBIO. She has experience in scientific, technological and academic management: Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at UFPI (2004 to 2008), State Coordinator at PPGB / RENORBIO (2010 to 2013); Vice-Director of the Center for Agricultural Sciences UFPI (1997 to 2001) and Head of the Department of Veterinary Morphophysiology at CCA UFPI (1981 to 1984). He was a member of the Technical Chamber of Agricultural Sciences of FAPEPI, Technical and Scientific Division of Life Sciences of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer (NINTEC/UFPI); PIBITI Institutional Committee, in the Technology and Innovation area for Agriculture (2009 to 2017). He works in the area of ​​Veterinary Medicine, Morphological Sciences, Developmental Biology, aspects applied to Biotechnology, Stem Cells and Cell Therapy in animal models, developing scientific and technological projects aimed at the regeneration of organs and tissues. She is the leader/founder of the Integrated Nucleus of Morphology and Stem Cell Research (NUPCelt/UFPI), has more than 110 articles published in journals with a selective editorial policy, 3 Software Records, 1 Patent granted and 3 more patent deposits, along with to the INPI.

Alcyone de Oliveira Paredes, Pesquisadora

Master in Adult and Child Health from the Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA. He has a specialization in Maternal and Child Health from the Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA and Clinical Cytology from the Brazilian Society of Clinical Cytology - SBCC. Bachelor of Nursing from Faculdade Santa Terezinha - CEST and Pharmacy-Biochemistry from Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA. She has experience in the area of ​​Public Health, Primary Care, involving research projects in Adult and Elderly Health Care and Women's Health Care.

Renato dos Anjos Souza, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Graduated in Biological Sciences (Bachelor) from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Full Degree in Biological and Health Sciences from the Catholic University of Brasília - DF (UCB) and Graduated in Systems Analysis and Development (Technologist) from Universidade Paulista - DF (UNIP). Lato Sensu Specialist in Clinical, Toxicological and Bromatological Analysis with Higher Teaching at the Isaac Newton Faculty of Salvador - BA (FACINE). He is currently a Master's student in Biology Teaching by the ProfBio Program at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL).


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How to Cite

HONORATO, R. dos A. .; FEITOSA, M. L. T. .; SILVA, L. dos S. .; CARVALHO, M. A. M. de .; PAREDES, A. de O. .; ANGELIM, N. B. de A. .; SOUZA, R. dos A. . Transient renal blood obliteration as an alternative to the study of renal ischemia-reperfusion syndrome in an animal model. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. e43911427338, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i4.27338. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences