The BNCC political process from parallel contexts to educommunication

The National Base that guides the teaching curricula in Brazil must be linked to the integral formation of the student. The present article aimed to approach the process of construction of the National Curricular Common Base from parallel contexts to Educommunication. The problematization of the research object arose in the face of governmental requirements for the implementation of a New Curricular Base in schools throughout Brazil, it is in this scenario that a lack of relationship with pragmatic vectors is revealed, between the BNCC/Educommunication themes. The essence of this descriptive research was based on a methodology with constant bibliographic review, whose qualitative approach will provide theoretical foundations for further quantitative research. In two years of research, including data collection, it was intended to rescue and deepen aspects researched in the following electronic databases: SciELO, Google Scholar, added to bibliographic and documentary materials such as: books, scientific articles, dissertations and national documents that support the BNCC, within a content analysis by Laurence Bardin. From a theoretical point of view, the reading and analytical synthesis of the works of fundamental authors such as Barbero, Soares, Santos and Bonin, and Fernandes, which were fundamental for the development of this research, as they are references that supported the interpretation of this educommunicative methodology and, highlighted, see Melo, Freitas and Alves in the critical context of the BNCC construction process. Such steps were essential to verify: vectors of Educommunication in the implementation of BNCC, absence of dialogue between theory (BNCC) and practices (Educommunication), that is, educational issues that should be equitable.




BNCC; Teaching; International influences; Educational policies.


The National Base that guides the teaching curricula in Brazil must be linked to the integral formation of the student. The present article aimed to approach the process of construction of the National Curricular Common Base from parallel contexts to Educommunication. The problematization of the research object arose in the face of governmental requirements for the implementation of a New Curricular Base in schools throughout Brazil, it is in this scenario that a lack of relationship with pragmatic vectors is revealed, between the BNCC/Educommunication themes. The essence of this descriptive research was based on a methodology with constant bibliographic review, whose qualitative approach will provide theoretical foundations for further quantitative research. In two years of research, including data collection, it was intended to rescue and deepen aspects researched in the following electronic databases: SciELO, Google Scholar, added to bibliographic and documentary materials such as: books, scientific articles, dissertations and national documents that support the BNCC, within a content analysis by Laurence Bardin. From a theoretical point of view, the reading and analytical synthesis of the works of fundamental authors such as Barbero, Soares, Santos and Bonin, and Fernandes, which were fundamental for the development of this research, as they are references that supported the interpretation of this educommunicative methodology and, highlighted, see Melo, Freitas and Alves in the critical context of the BNCC construction process. Such steps were essential to verify: vectors of Educommunication in the implementation of BNCC, absence of dialogue between theory (BNCC) and practices (Educommunication), that is, educational issues that should be equitable.

Author Biographies

Joseane Maria Vieira da Silva, Universidade Franciscana

Pós- Graduada em Didática do Ensino Superior - FASE e em Mídias na Educação- UFAM Atuação  profissional: Professora de Ensino Básico Mestranda  em Programa de Pós Graduação Stricto Sensu - MEHL da UFN 

Taís Steffenello Ghisleni, Universidade Franciscana

Professora na Universidade Franciscana (Santa Maria, RS), nos cursos de Mestrado em Ensino de Humanidades e Linguagens, e graduação em Publicidade e Propaganda.

Janaína Pereira Pretto Carlesso, Universidade Franciscana

Possui graduação em Psicologia pelo Centro Universitário Franciscano (2004), é especialista em educação especial: altas habilidades/superdotação pela UFSM (2007). Cursou mestrado em Distúrbios da Comunicação Humana pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2011). Doutora pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria no Programa de Pós-graduação Educação em Ciências: Química da Vida e Saúde. Atualmente é professora adjunta do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Franciscana. Também faz parte do corpo docente do Curso de Mestrado em Ensino de Humanidades e Linguagens,atuando na Linha de Pesquisa ?Ensino, epistemologias e formação docente.


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How to Cite

SILVA, J. M. V. da; GHISLENI, T. S. .; CARLESSO, J. P. P. The BNCC political process from parallel contexts to educommunication: The National Base that guides the teaching curricula in Brazil must be linked to the integral formation of the student. The present article aimed to approach the process of construction of the National Curricular Common Base from parallel contexts to Educommunication. The problematization of the research object arose in the face of governmental requirements for the implementation of a New Curricular Base in schools throughout Brazil, it is in this scenario that a lack of relationship with pragmatic vectors is revealed, between the BNCC/Educommunication themes. The essence of this descriptive research was based on a methodology with constant bibliographic review, whose qualitative approach will provide theoretical foundations for further quantitative research. In two years of research, including data collection, it was intended to rescue and deepen aspects researched in the following electronic databases: SciELO, Google Scholar, added to bibliographic and documentary materials such as: books, scientific articles, dissertations and national documents that support the BNCC, within a content analysis by Laurence Bardin. From a theoretical point of view, the reading and analytical synthesis of the works of fundamental authors such as Barbero, Soares, Santos and Bonin, and Fernandes, which were fundamental for the development of this research, as they are references that supported the interpretation of this educommunicative methodology and, highlighted, see Melo, Freitas and Alves in the critical context of the BNCC construction process. Such steps were essential to verify: vectors of Educommunication in the implementation of BNCC, absence of dialogue between theory (BNCC) and practices (Educommunication), that is, educational issues that should be equitable. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 8, p. e45111830798, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i8.30798. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.



Education Sciences