Exercises in water as a strategy to treat obesity in adults: a systematic review





Obesity; Adult; Physical exercises; Aquatic Environment.; Exercise; Aquatic environment; Obesity.


Introduction: Obesity a highly complex multifactorial disease. Aquatic exercises as an obesity treatment strategy have shown very positive results in adults with obesity. General objective: To analyze studies with aquatic exercise interventions for adults with obesity. Methodology: This is a systematic review involving studies with interventions aimed at people with obesity in the aquatic environment. A search was carried out in the following databases: LILACS and PUBMED. The following descriptors in Portuguese and English: Deep water/aquatic exercise/swimming programs/ Obesity (Obese)/ Aquatic environment in adults with obesity and indexed in Portuguese: Deep Water / Natação para obesos / Exercícios aquáticos para obesos/ Aquatic exercise in obese adults. The initial search brought up 2341 articles, only 37 were chosen for reading and initial analysis, only 7 articles were selected for the final sample. Results: Studies (5) involving aquatic exercise interventions that included deep water or water aerobics classes, identified significant improvements, all studies were with obese women, the findings indicated improvements in domains of quality of life; Physical aptitude; reduction of body fat; improvements in lipid metabolism, glucose and in some anthropometric variables. The studies (2) that included the nutritional intervention allied to the aquatic exercises had good results, the classes with aquatic ergocycle improved the body composition; fasting blood glucose; triglyceride level; blood pressure and fitness. The study with deep water classes reduced all anthropometric variables, except lean mass. Conclusion: The data reinforce the importance of physical exercise in water as a treatment strategy for people with obesity.


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How to Cite

THON, R. A. .; MOREIRA, V. F. R. .; BIM, R. H. .; PEREIRA , I. A. S. .; OKAWA, R. T. P. .; NARDO JUNIOR, N. . Exercises in water as a strategy to treat obesity in adults: a systematic review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 8, p. e46111831071, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i8.31071. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/31071. Acesso em: 28 sep. 2024.



Health Sciences