Attention to the health of the LGBTQIA+ population aiming the integral access to health services




Comprehensive Health Care; Gender Sexual Minorities; Population; Health services.


Introduction: In this study, the problematization and signaling of the state of the art on comprehensive care and the accessibility of the LGBTQ population to health services were aimed at. Also, the nod of the barriers faced by the population in the face of prejudice, stigma and marginalization. Methods: This is an integrative literature review study, with document analysis, exposition of the state of the art in a synoptic table, and discussion through thematic pillars. Results and Discussion: After the analysis of the eight articles, the confrontations and the difficulty of access to the health system services by the population in question became noticeable. It is highlighted that problems in welcoming the LGBT population in health services have been the agenda of the movement and NGOs, in the face of strong stigmatization, elements of homophobia, and misinformation regarding the specificities and rights of this population. Final Considerations: It is concluded that knowledge about health policies for the LGBT public must have its propagation expanded, so that one can deal with the spontaneous demand in health services and with the extinction of inequities.

Author Biographies

Reverton Antonio Felix de Lima, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco

Graduating in Nursing at the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Pernambuco, Campus Pesqueira (IFPE). He was a fellow researcher with the Patient Safety project: coping with the health team in the coronavirus pandemic through limitations of the public system, was part of the patient safety research group at IFPE Pesqueira, worked in an extracurricular internship in Primary Care at the Basic Unit of Saúde de Baixa Grande (Pesqueira/PE), Having completed the extension project entitled “Strategic approach in first aid for adolescents from public schools: empowering the general public in emergency situations, having acted as a monitor in the discipline of “Nursing in to the health of adults and the elderly", he also acted as a volunteer monitor at the XII CONNEPI (North-Northeast Congress of Research and Innovation) presenting the work entitled "First aid for lay people: experience of the empowerment of adolescents in public schools" in the same event, also presented the work entitled “Accidents in childhood in a reference unit of the agreste d and Pernambuco” at the IV north northeast meeting of neonatal, pediatric and adolescent nursing of the Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem Pernambuco session, currently acting as a volunteer monitor of the discipline “Interdisciplinary practices, teaching, service and community integration”.

Claudia Daniele Barros Leite Salgueiro, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco

Permanent active professor at the Federal Institute of Pernambuco (IFPE), Recife campus. Researcher at the Center for Studies and Research on Innovative Practices - NEPPI, and in the following Research Groups certified by CNPq: 1. Health Care and Promotion and 2. Experiences of Inclusion in Education. PhD in Clinical Psychology from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP - CAPES Scholarship). Master in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Pernambuco (UPE - CAPES Scholarship). Postgraduate in Collective Health from the University of Pernambuco (UPE | SES Scholarship - PE / Multiprofessional Residency - Lato Sensu Postgraduate), also in Clinical Psychology, from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP). Psychologist graduated from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP), graduated in Letters from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE - Letters Portuguese / English). She guides research in the areas of Psychology, Gerontology and Education. Mainly, in the following themes: Welcoming and psychosocial care for people in all life cycles, Biopsychosocial support for the elderly and caregivers, Aging, Assistive technologies in Gerontology, Inclusive education, Innovative practices in education, Worker's health and Psychic suffering.


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How to Cite

LIMA, R. A. F. de; SALGUEIRO, C. D. B. L. Attention to the health of the LGBTQIA+ population aiming the integral access to health services. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 12, p. e376111234597, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i12.34597. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences