“Money as a synonym for pleasure?”: procedural analysis of the representational meanings of sex workers on sexual satisfaction





Sex Workers; Social Representations; Sexual Satisfaction; Sexual Health; Public Health.


Sex workers have experiences that raise questions about what can satisfy them sexually and, thus, have a good quality of life. The objective was to analyze the representations meanings of sex workers about sexual satisfaction in their daily lives. Qualitative study, based on the Theory of Social Representations, carried out in the municipality where the Alto Sertão Productive Region of Bahia (Brazil) is located, in areas of social vulnerability, where the places of prostitution are located. 132 women participated in the study. The Free Word Association Technique was used for data collection, with the inductive term “sexual pleasure/satisfaction”. The corpus was organized and processed using the IRAMUTEQ software that issued the Factorial Correspondence Plan, Maximum Similitude Tree and the Word Cloud. The results from the three forms of analysis demonstrated homogeneity in social representations, as the group's unconscious presented the term “money” as the central and main representational field about “sexual satisfaction”, evading the idea that sex workers feel orgasm in the sexual act with clients. Thus, reflecting on the “sexual satisfaction ', anchored in the Theory of Social Representations, will enable health professionals to rethink their practices, considering the specificities of this population segment, with regard to the planning of sexual health care of women who work sexual, focused on libido and the subjective part of sexuality, extrapolating the common sense that the focus of health care for prostitutes should be focused only on preventing sexually transmitted infections.

Author Biographies

Pablo Luiz Santos Couto, Centro Universitário FG (UNIFG)

Enfermeiro. Doutorando em Enfermagem e Saúde, na linha de Educação em Saúde, pela UESB. Mestre em Enfermagem, na linha de Gênero, Mulher e Saúde, pela UFBA.

Carle Porcino, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Psicológa. Doutoranda em Enfermagem e Saúde pela UFBA. Mestra em Estudos Interdisciplinares da Universidade pela UFBA.

Samantha Souza da Costa Pereira, Centro Universitário FG (UNIFG)

Enfermeira. Mestra em Saúde Coletiva pela UEFS.

Francylene Gama Neri, Centro Universitário FG (UNIFG)

Enfermeira pela UNIFG.

Cleane Nogueira Azevedo, Centro Universitário FG (UNIFG)

Enfermeira pela UNIFG.

Alba Benemérita Alves Vilela, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

Enfermeira. Doutora em Enfermagem pela UFCE. Docente Permanente do Programa de Pós Graduação em Enfermagem e Saúde, Departamento de Saúde II da UESB.

Antônio Marcos Tosoli Gomes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Enfermeiro. Doutor em Enfermagem pela UFRJ. Docente Permanente do Programa de Pós Graduação em Enfermagem, Faculdade de Enfermagem da UERJ.

Tarcísio da Silva Flores, Centro Universitário FG (UNIFG)

Advogado. Especialista em Direito Trabalhista.


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How to Cite

COUTO, P. L. S.; PORCINO, C.; PEREIRA, S. S. da C.; NERI, F. G.; AZEVEDO, C. N.; VILELA, A. B. A.; GOMES, A. M. T.; FLORES, T. da S. “Money as a synonym for pleasure?”: procedural analysis of the representational meanings of sex workers on sexual satisfaction. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e854986233, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.6233. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/6233. Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences